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Seth Pov

"Why am I helping again?" I said walking into the kitchen where this little meeting was being held at.

"Well because we all know that you hate John plus you hate Nikki so it's like a double whammy." Paige said.

"Yeah but who doesn't like Nikki?" I said.

"Her Bella Army and the ones who are reading these articles and believe Nikki over Jennifer." Brie said walking in with the ever so charming Birdie who lights up the room with her bright green eyes and her warm smile.

"Alright I'm in but Dwayne owes me for keeping me in that closet for way too long

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"Alright I'm in but Dwayne owes me for keeping me in that closet for way too long. It was hot in there. I'm upset that no one notice that I was gone. Maybe if I bring back the blonde people would notice I'm not there."

"Oh we noticed we just didn't care to go search for you but Jenn gave you a doggy bag which Dean ate so...hey it's the thought that counts." Paige laughed.

Very funny.

"So let me get this straight, the day of her wedding the paparazzi takes a picture of Jenn and John kidding right? But no one check security footage. Didn't Nicole ban TMZ from her wedding so how did they get the picture?" Dean said stretching. " Sorry I'm late me and Renee was trying for a baby."

"Thanks Dean I'm sure we all wanted to hear you give that Canadian your bacon." Brie said.

"Here we go again, Brie I don't know what your problem is but you can kindly leave it at the door. Plus I'm sure Birdie do not want you talking about the coolest guy in her life and not that lumberjack guy." He said picking up Birdie and taking her somewhere.

Brie huffed and went the opposite way of him. I don't know what's that's about and I don't think I care too much to find out.

"Anyway so what's her cell records looking like?" I said pulling up a chair next to Casper.

"Well the last person who had any contact with Jennifer is Nicole. However, John called her the night before 12 times and that's before I assume she cut off her cell phone record." Paige said.

"Yeah and John phone pinged 2 miles from Jennifer's house and again at this warehouse in Tampa. So we are thinking that that's where he has Jennifer or that place is where possible hints into finding her." AJ said.

"So John and Nicole are working together into kidnapping Jenn? I get Nicole but why would John kidnap her. You know what I don't even want to even defend this ass I wouldn't put it aside from him." I said walking over to my bag and getting my notepad so I can formulate and calculate a plot to break in the building.

"AJ well look at recent interviews it feels like she's the center of John's obsession. Maybe this was apart of his plan he marry into the family and picked the weakest Bella who was just as money hungry and fame hungry. So he takes her but he can't do it himself because you know John don't do everything by himself so he would need a person to do his dirty work but who?" Paige said pulling up John recent interviews about Jennifer and Nicole.


I don't know why everyone is acting like this is my fault. Jennifer has lured me into her for the past 5 years. Trapping me in elevators, showing up to my hotel room naked and she drugged me into a threesome when she was touring with us oversees. Not to mention she's the one that initiated the kiss and I was just in shock that I gave into the kiss. This is not the first time of her being a hoe look how many guys she has slept with over the last 30 days. There's a reason why they call get JHOE and a reason why her family is ashamed of her." Cena told TMZ Sports.

"Wait I got it so John has been stalking her for years so he knows everything about Jennifer right? So what if he found out about Jennifer and Dwayne's past hook up which resulted in her getting pregnant and devise this plan as revenges. Classic if he can't have her no one can scenario. So that means John knows about Jennifer's alleged pregnancy to Dwayne." I said walking over to the computer and looking up John recent credit card records to see if he has used it in the last 30 days.

Checking the data files I realized that on the 4th he used his credit card at Home Depot for ropes, hammers, and nails. Then again on the 6th in an online purchase for Pitocin. He's going to induce her into labor.

"Should we call the cops?" Brie said making me jump in fear because I didn't even know she came back in the room.

"No this problem was created in the WWE so let's finish in the WWE. I think we shouldn't communicate on our phones anymore." Dean said following Brie's lead. "Did you guys even look at the building of the warehouse. That's the building of the old wwe training facility before the fire happen. So how would golden boy get access of that building?"

"The Authority."

"Bingo!" He said popping a grape in his mouth as Birdie started clapping and started saying dada.

"Birdie that's not your dad." I said and she just shook her head no.

"Ok then so the McMahon's are helping John with this scheme. That's why they been so quiet and been so quick to defend Nikki and John." I said.

"That bitch, they planned this all alone Stephanie wanted me to join the Authority and threatened to fire if me if I didn't stop hanging with Jennifer 6 months ago. At first I didn't understand I thought this was Stephanie being Stephanie." Brie said.

So if Stephanie is involved then no telling who else is involved. She probably going around threatening people careers like she always do. So the people who are really are friends are really are enemies.

"Ok for now on we are communicating through walkie-talkies. Everyone smash there phones, from this moment forward it's us vs them. Us vs the Authority. Do we understand how dangerous this mission is."

"Yeah! I love danger but I don't trust that Kathy lady around my daughter so Birdie is staying with my mom in Cleveland and Brie you too they will never find y'all there." Dean said packing Birdie bag while Brie grabbed her suitcase.

What the fuck is going on her, it must be the lack of sleep because I could have sworn I heard him say that Birdie was his. If that's the case could Brian be working for the Authority because Dean took the one thing he hope and noted for in Birdie. Nah I'm tripping it's the lack of sleep Brian wouldn't hurt a fly.  

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