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Brie: So are they dead?

Dean: Yeah babie I cleaned all of them off? How's Jennifer doing?

Brie: She's tied up in the basement. So when are you going to kill off the McMahon's?

Dean: They are taking me to Paris for some type of convention with local mobsters. You see they are going to come into Paris but they won't fly out. I'm going to block the Jets engine. So when they fly in the air boom the plain will explode.

Brie: Ohh Daddy I like it when you talk dirty to me. They should have known better not to trust a pretty smile. I've been want Jennifer gone do blaming Nikki was just so easy you know she doesn't think for herself.

Dean: I love it when you get evil so you know what you got to do now?

Brie: Kill That bitch Renee I can't believe you had to pretend that you loved her.

Dean: I know it was the worst three years of my life. You know you'll always be my number one my Bonnie.

Brie: And you'll always be my Clyde now let's get are money and go.

Dean: Babe your breaking up?

Brie: Huh.

Unknown: No your not breaking up it's just I intercepted your call. I go by many names but you can call me your Judgement Day. You see the funny thing about people who do dirty shit is that it always comes around and bite you. I have all the proof that you guys committed those murders and I know where all the bodies are. I know where Jennifer body is. You can't beat me, you can't see me, and you don't want to see me. I'm your worst fear come to life. I'm your deepest most darkest fears and I'm always one step ahead of you. Your judgment day is coming and when it comes all will be reveled and one of you will make it out alive.

Brie: You don't know who your messing with.

Unknown: Oh I don't. Brie then why is it that you are standing in your living room with that red flower dress on. Dean while where on the topic tell her what you did? Tell her what we both know. Tell her. (Haha) that's what I thought. A pocketful of posies Ashes, ashes
We all fall down. We. all . fall . down . ain't that right Dean.

Dean: Listen I don't know who you are.

Unknown: Oh but you do, me and you were close once upon a time try harder to remember and all will be revealed.

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