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Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told. Somebody tell me why I'm on my own, If there's a soulmate for everyone. Here we are again, circles never end. How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone But I'm still waiting in line - Natasha Bendingfield.

Narrator Pov

"Can you believe that woman would just disrespect the Queen like that?" Nikki said.

"No I honestly can't, she shouldn't have talked to you like you were beneath her." Dwayne said.

"I know these people in this world has not heart I don't know what has become of this world."

"Same." Dwayne said ushering her to the car.

He honestly felt embarrassed for the both of them. One because Nikki put him in that position to get embarrassed by everyone in the store and two because this is just adding more tension in this already fake relationship. He also felt bad when he got in the car and was met with a teary eyes Nicole because he knows that generally deep down Nicole is a great person. She's not the cold hearted bitch that everyone knows and comes to love, she's more than what he media is portraying her.

"What's wrong?" Dwayne said as he started the car up turning to face her.

"Do you think I'm a bad person?"

"No I don't think you are a bad person I think it's just hard for you to get your message through to people the way you want it to. I know the girl that's back there isn't the real you, what's wrong with you." Dwayne said.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I guess I just want to be love in my life. No one ever shows me love like real genuine love. The world shows my sisters love and I just feel like I'm just left with nothing. Im married to a man that's never around who only cares about himself. I feel like all I do is give, give,give and all he does is take, take, take. I had to sacrifice having kids for him only to get a ring what type of shit is that. I had to sign a contract to be in a relationship with him. What type of love is that? Why can't I get what you once gave Jennifer. Why can't I have what Brie and Bryan have. Why must I live in a life full of unhappiness. I deserve to have my happily ever after." Nikki said wiping her face.

"Nikki I believe you and I honestly feel your pain. No woman should have to give up what she dreams and wants out of life for a man. Jon always talks about part timers when he's a part time boyfriend to you. You have to get out of this toxic relationship because it's making you become spiteful and envious of anyone that's doing better than you or having happiness when you are trapped in a prison." Dwayne said stopping a tear from falling off her face. "You look beautiful when you smile, no woman should cry over a man. Smile more it brings out the hazel and warmth in your eyes."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. You are the first man let alone the first person that heard my side of the story and didn't judge me. You are a great guy and Jennifer is lucky to have you. What are we doing? What am I doing? We shouldn't be together you should be out there finding my sister. That's the love of your life I see it the way you look at her and the way you talk about her. You know in your sleep you mention her name all the time and you were going to propose I didn't know that"

" I actually propose to her on her first date that you ruined but I wanted to give her time because she was still dealing with the media attacks and the public scrutiny of her last relationship." Dwayne said.

"Take it from a woman who waited 5 years to be engaged by a man who wasn't really in love with me. Jennifer loves you, you are her soulmate. I'll help you find her and I'll help you plan the proposal and wedding since I worked her ass as a slave during my whole wedding." Nikki said pulling out her phone and looking at her photo gallery.

"What are you doing? Wait you don't know where Jennifer is?"

"Why would I kidnapped my sister, okay don't answer that question but no I don't know where she is honestly. The last time I talked to Jennifer was before the incident. Plus my phone is missing I had to buy this new phone 2 days ago and I'm still learning how to actually work this phone. I know I said some hateful things but I literally don't know where Jennifer is. I don't even have the strength to kidnap a person put them in a car and drive off. I'm pretty sure if it was me they would have locked me up months ago."

"Yeah you ate right." He said hesitantly.

It is Nicole she's a pathological liar so it's kinda hard to separate the lie from the truth. On the other hand he wants to believe her but this could be a ploy for the media. So she can play victim and gain the sympathy from everyone around the world.

"It's not me I swear to god I can't believe you and all these idiots pinning me out to be the bad guy. I have nothing to do with Jennifer's disappearance. Look I'm trying to make right with my family more so Jennifer and Brie. You have to trust me and believe me. I'm telling you this if you want to find Jennifer we have to find John because I had an obsession with making her pay but he is out for blood. He would always bring up Jennifer and how she rejected him for you and how he was going to make every single person involved pay. He kept feeding me lies and I fell for everyone and with that I lost my sisters." Nikki said thinking about possible places John would be.

By the way her eyes looked filled with guilt and lost he figured that she was telling the truth about her true intentions. If she was lying so be it, it'll lead right to Jennifer regardless so what's the worse that can happen.

*Text Message*

Unknown: You should listen to the girl, she's not the one who did it. You are again looking at the wrong person.

Dwayne: Who are you? What do you mean who should I be looking at.

Unknown: This isn't 21 questions, just follow my tips and you'll be safe. You can trust Nikki she's telling the truth. The one who did it is the one you and everyone least expect.

Dwayne: But who?

Unknown: Come on you are smarter than this, think about it. I can only live where there is light but be careful I can die when the light shines one me.  Give me food and I'll love but give me water and watch me die. All will be revealed but be careful because the one that did this is right in front of your face.

*End Text*

A/N: Who do you guys think the unknown caller is and Jennifer's kidnapper. Do you think it's Nikki or Ian she playing everyone for her grand finale???

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