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Anderson Cooper: During the last couples of weeks, the world has been made aware of the story of  the Jennifer Lopez, John Cena, and Nikki Bella love affair

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Anderson Cooper: During the last couples of weeks, the world has been made aware of the story of  the Jennifer Lopez, John Cena, and Nikki Bella love affair. With such little evidence of an affair actually going on it's amazing how this "affair has made its way into the public eye the way it has. Now with the disappearance of Jennifer Lopez one would start to wonder is there more to the story or is this a publicity stunt gone wrong. Joining me tonight, Nikki Bella the sister and wife of the man that she allegedly had an affair with. Nikki, thank you for your time.

Nikki: Thank you Anderson it is such an honor to be interviews by such a legend.

Anderson: Oh please that is not necessary but thank you. So let's dive right in. How was your relationship with Jennifer?

Nikki: We had an up and down relationship, a typical sister rivalry  that all sisters have.

Anderson: Well Nikki that's not true because with your interview with Barbra Walters on 60 minutes and I quote you said, 'There's no relationship, in fact there has never been a relationship between me and Jennifer. Jennifer doesn't even come around to events, she didn't come to my bridal shower she didn't even help me plan the wedding. I guess I should've known right there that she had feelings for John. I get it he's a lovesble charming guy who's always giving people a hand and she's struggling with love but leave my man alone.' Now that doesn't seem like the perfect sister relationship in fact that sounds likes envy and resentment.

Nikki: Ok cats out of the bag, I hate her she's always taking credit for my ideas. I was the one that was supposed to have the fame in the family.

Anderson: Supposed too? Can't everyone have fame and fortune if they have the talent?

Nikki: Not her, she gets everything she's the perfect little child. She's an attention seeker.

Anderson: Really, because many would say that you are. There have been reports of you faking illness and pregnancies in the past just to have everyone divert their attention from Jennifer or Brie.

Nikki: Many? Name one Anderson oh right you can't because no one said shit.

Anderson: Well I have the reports right here, in fact many people believe that you are faking a pregnancy just to gain the sympathy vote. Are you doing this because everyone is talking about your niece Birdie Joe or are you serious about this pregnancy?

Nikki: Anderson, it seems like you are looking for a story I don't know to boost your ratings or maybe it's a personal vendetta because you are friends with Jennifer.

Anderson: Me and Jennifer are close but I've been doing this longer than your life on this earth. I know when to be professional and when to be a friend. My job is to be a journalist, I'm here for the facts. If you are looking for a show you should have went over to the E network.

Nikki: There's nothing wrong with a little drama in a story.

Anderson: I'm going to move this interview right along. Nikki where were you during the time Jennifer was abducted?

Nikki: Well I was home, I was getting ready for my interview with Steve Harvey. I was in my closet picking out the most expensivd outfit because you know I'm a Queen.

Anderson: Just say you were at home. I'm not here for the bragging just the facts.

Nikki: Okay, I was home during the time of her abduction.

Anderson: I should let the viewers aware that you Mrs. Cena made a threat to Jennifer that she wouldn't make it to my interview.

Nikki: Don't we all.

Anderson: No only you, psychopaths, and serial killers threaten a person and mean what they say.

Nikki: These are all accusations, you have any proof?

Anderson: Actually, I do . Ok do we have it? Oh we do. Ladies and Gentlemen here's an exclusive recording of the conversation.


Jennifer: Hello?

Nicole: Hey sissy how are you, did you just see my interview?

Jennifer: I'm sorry I tried watching but as soon as you showed up on my screen it said error and now I'm at the shop trying to repair it. Maybe if I put Brie on my tv it'll repair itself.

Nicole: Funny, we'll you should know that o announced your pregnancy and mine.

Jennifer: How do you lie so much. I'm not pregnant and you are not pregnant.

Nicole: Oh but I am and it's twins. I can't wait to spoil my kids and they'll be hotter than Nori and Blue.

Jennifer:(laughs)Nikki you are so hilarious because you bring me back to life. You are not pregnant remember you signed your life away when you agreed to get marry than to have a kid.

Nicole: Well I got the best of both worlds. Oh if your not pregnant than why was you photoshop at a CVS with a pregnant test.

Jennifer: Get off my line, I done need this from you because I know that you only called to get under my skin because there's nothing exciting or relevant going on with your wife.

Nicole: Oh but there is my business is booming everyone wants to get my autograph, want me on their show, and my merchandise is outselling Roman and John's in triple digits. Plus I'm going to end Asuka win streak and they're giving me another run with the  championship belt.

Jennifer: Really because I thought you just said you were pregnant so how are you going to win a belt.

Nicole: I'm going to fake a miscarriage duh. I'll get the moral support from the crowd because let's face it WWE fans are dumb look how press they get for a fake sport.

Jennifer: Goodbye Nicole and have fun on your scandal tour. But you should know that I have an interview with Vanity Fair tomorrow and I'm going to expose you I even just recorded everything you just said so good bye love .

End Call

Nikki: Ok so you are obviously conspiring against me. That's obviously my twin sister Brie. She's always been jealous of me and she's so manipulative everyone just thinks I'm the bad guy because of her nice girl act.

Anderson: Incriminating your sister how classy is that.

Nikki: Is not incriminating it's the truth. Everyone just wants to pray on my downfall. I can't believe that she would pretend to be me and say those things  about Jennifer. I know me and Jennifer have a rocky relationship but I promise you I would have never said that. Brie is such a bitch for this she's jealous because I didn't go to her baby shower. All of my sisters are jealous of me and it's honestly sad. It seems like I always have to wor-

Anderson: Save it for your book Nicole. We have audio of you saying this threat too get just hours before she got abducted.

Nikki: So that's all you have. That's not strong enough evidence to incriminate me so what now. I'm defenitly not faking my pregnancy and I'm expecting a child which I'm excited for. Now if that's it the Queen best be leaving.  Bye Chaio

A/N: There will probably be a part 2 but I have a Beyoncé and Conor McGregor book called Halo out please check it out 💋

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