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Jennifer Pov

Believe it or not I was excited about my date with Dwayne, it's been a long time since I've been on a date with a man who had standards. I mean I even tried to pull a Mariah and date younger guys like Drake and my backup dancer but that failed miserably.

The downside of going on this date is I don't know if he's using me because last time he lied to me and said he was single when in reality he was married to Danni. I don't want to put fuel to the fire and have another fucking affair. People are really going to start to believe that I'm a home wrecker.

But it's time to take this with a grain of salt if I live my life in fear all the time I may lose out on a relationship of a lifetime. It must be a reason why me and Dwayne keep bumping into each other.

"So Brie what do you think I should something sexy or something to play it cool?" I ask mi sister who was sitting on my shoe closet floor amazed by how many shoes I got.

"I think you should go with a simple black dress. You can't go wrong with that something just shows of your beautiful curves but also says slow down cowboy play your cards right." She said taking shoes and hiding them behind her back as if I wasn't going to notice that a pair was missing or that I didn't see with my own eyes her take them and put them behind her back.

"You know you would suck as a spy or a their because I just saw you put the shoes behind your back." I said folding my arms and raising my eyebrow at her.

"You know more and more time that you spend with Dwayne you are starting to pick up his mannerisms. I don't know if I should be calling you Jennifer Johnson or what?" She said getting up and exploring the closet. " Don't look at me like it's not going to happen, I know these things you two couldn't even keep y'all eyes off of one another at the wedding. You know couples who meet at a wedding turns out getting married in the end. It's called fate."

"Woah slow down sis we haven't even gone on a date yet and you are talking about marriage. Plus I don't even think I want to get married anymore or have kids. I don't know it seems like my passion has died down."

"That's because you've been out of the dating game for awhile now. I know you got cobwebs down there. When you meet the one that's when you'll know it's time for me to start having kids. Plus I want to become an Auntie I can't always rely on J.J you know with his failing marriage. Nikki isn't going to have any kids because she decided to take the ring instead. Which was a dumb move I rather take the babies instead of the rind because her marriage is going to fail. Babies will be there forever."

"I tried warning jet about John but you know her everything is about John but I found the perfect dress it shows off the right kind of sexy but elegance all in one."

I said getting up and going to my dresses area of the closet picking out my black dress that showed just the right amount of leg and the right amount of elegance. Going back into my room I decided to wear my matching pumps with the dress.

  Going back into my room I decided to wear my matching pumps with the dress

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"Look at my sis all grown up about to catch herself a man. I would say be safe and use protection but I'm desperate for a little niece and nephew by the way y'all would make cute babies." Brie said coming out of my closet with a boat load of shoes.

"Very funny Brie I guess I should leave my door open for your little shopping spree?" I said putting my earrings on and picking up my clutch heading towards the door.

"Yeah I say that would be wise me and Birdie are about to go on a shopping spree in your closet." She said as Birdie came squealing in my closet as Brian is still looking at the architecture of the house.

"Alright see you hippies later I have a date with a big Samoan." I said leaving my room as the butterflies in my stomach start to dance yet again.

The Date

I guess Dwayne was not playing any games this time around he had a car pull up to my house taking me to this remote area. Of ourse someone leaked that we were on a date so he hired a private jet to pick us up and take us to another area. Did you know you can have a date in the Grand Canyons because I didn't. Only Dwayne would do some shit like this but I wasn't complaining this was actually romantic. There's also no doubt in my mind that Nikki leaked that I was going on a date with him.

 There's also no doubt in my mind that Nikki leaked that I was going on a date with him

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"Where are we Dwayne ?" I asked looking around at the scenery .

"A place no one knows or can find." He said looking at me like I was the only girl in the world.

He walked over and pulled my chair out for me waiting for me to sit down and then he pushed it in. Wow I guess all those years he really did listen to everything I ever told him because I said if we could had a first date I would lived for it to be on top of a mountain where I can see the beautiful sea, I also said that my favorite meal is lobster . So he's really hitting it out of the ballpark.

"Jennifer I know I messed up badly in the past and I really want us to work out and try again. Can you please give me a second chance I want to make it up to you I'm a change man. To show you how much of a changed man I am here's my divorce papers." He said showing me official court document divorce papers.


A/N: What do you think Jennifer decision will be and next chapter everyone favorite sister Nikki appears. Part 2 of the date is next

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