Nikki Bella Bombshell Interview Part 1

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Tonight's episode of 60 minutes

A family bond brokenA lover misfortuneWe know the story, we heard from both sides but we never heard from the person that's at the center of this, tonight we will get to hear her speak for the first time on national tv

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A family bond broken
A lover misfortune
We know the story, we heard from both sides but we never heard from the person that's at the center of this, tonight we will get to hear her speak for the first time on national tv

Hello I'm Barbra Walters and on tonight's episode of 60 minutes I'll have an one on one with WWE diva and actress Nikki Bella.

Barbra:With a day that every little girl dreams of finding the love of their life getting engaged and walking down the aisle marrying the man or woman of their dreams for you your I can say was shocking to say the least?

Nikki: Yes, it started off so romantic and then at the end of the night I find my sister cornering my boyfriend and kissing him so yeah it was a romantic day to say the least.

Barbra: How can a professional wrestler be cornered by a small woman? I seen one of his matches and he's picking up guys that are 300 pounds?

Nikki: My sister is s girl on s mission when she sees something she wants she's always take take take.

Barbra: So tell me about your relationship with Jennifer growing up and leading up to our current state.

Nikki: There's no relationship, in fact there has never been a relationship between me and Jennifer. Jennifer doesn't even come around to events, she didn't come to my bridal shower she didn't even help me plan the wedding. I guess I should've known right there that she had feelings for John. I get it he's a lovesble charming guy who's always giving people a hand and she's struggling with love but leave my man alone.

Barbra: Funny that you say that he's a charming guy because there are many articles that your husband is a cheat and that he's cheated on his ex wife with multiple divas one of them being you.

Nikki: Well Barbra that's all that they are articles. You didn't hear him say that and you didn't hear me say I was involved with a married man. When me and John got together he was away from his wife.

Barbra: Don't you find it odd that the year you got together with Cena is the year that he filed for divorce with his wife Liz who on record has stated these claims to be true.

Nikki: Liz has been giving me trouble ever since our relationship was bought in the spotlight.

Barbra: I don't think a college sweetheart whom he has kids with him would do such a thing.

Nikki: John doesn't have kids! I'm tired of everyone saying that if he had kids don't you think he would have claimed them by now.

Barbra: Ok it looks like I struck a nerve so why don't you tell me how have everyone in the family have been reacting to this bombshell of a scandal?

Nikki: Everyone is pretty much on my side and they aren't shock because this is a Jennifer thing to do. She's always stealing married men and she told me once that it gives her a rush knowing that she's taking a man from their family. She's jealous of my life.

A multiplatinum singer jealous of a wrestlers life there must be more to that.

Barbra: Why would Jennifer be jealous of you?

Nikki: I'm talented, prettier, and I'm now married. She wants my life and who can blame her.

Barbra: So are you saying you'll choose John over your own blood? Family sticks together no matter what. Sisters share a bond and usually choose each other over a guy.

Nikki: I mean -

Stay tuned to find out more shocking details of the affair and a bombshell that will Shake this whole scandal up. Till next time I'm Barbra Walters, this is 60 minutes



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