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Hey guys I don't usually talk about my family but I'm just going to unleash everything that I'm feeling right now. I'm scared for my mom health she went into the hospital because she's been having trouble breathing and she's extremely burning up. My mom has a weak immune system so she gets sick easily and she's already a survivor of breast cancer so she's more prone to get sick. She said every time she coughs she can't breathe and she had x rays nothing is wrong with her chest but she has a temperature of 106 and her blood pressure is up and they don't know what from. They gave her an ice bath and it still didn't help. I don't know what's going on and to be honest I'm really scared. I've pray multiple times but it seems like she's getting worse. I really don't know what to do I'm scared to go to sleep. My mother is everything to me and it just hurts me that she goes through so much all the damn time. I'm trying to put on a strong face but it's hard honestly I'm really hoping everything gets better tomorrow. It hurts seeing the one you love go through so much pain it's like she can't catch a break. She sounds so weak on the phone and no one knows what's going on.

I'm sorry if you guys were expecting something light or any of my books to update but I don't think I can write physically or emotionally.

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