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If somebody is gracious enough to give me a second chance, I won't need a third. ~ Pete Rose

"Jennifer I know I messed up badly in the past and I really want us to work out and try again. Can you please give me a second chance I want to make it up to you I'm a change man. To show you how much of a changed man I am here's my divorce papers." Dwayne said showing me official court document divorce papers.

"I-I......" She said looking around trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Come on I'm sorry ok I know it's hard for you to trust me after what happened with the Dani situation back then you were dealing with the Rock the inexperienced guy who only cared about fucking and the fame but this is the Dwayne, the real me. I was searching for you and I finally found you and I promise I won't let you go. I'll hold on to everything you tell and give me, and cherish every waking moment with you. It broke my heart to see that you were with Marc for all those years all because I wasn't man enough to tell you how I truly felt about you. I played you like a game for my own personal amusement when the jackass at the end of the day was me when I didn't have you. Just give me one more chance I promise you that'll be the last chance I'll ever need from you Jenny."

For what seemed like an hour Jenny was finally able to come up with an answer that would satisfy him but also give him a stern warning that it takes more than a nice date to prove her love. After all, her love don't cost a thing.

" You know it's real easy to say those things but I need to know if you are going to put in the work to make this relationship bloom. This can't be no half fake shit I want the real you flaws and all. I'm getting too old for the games I want a serious relation and to be treated like a Queen for once in my life. I've been hurt too many times and you knew that and you still hurt me. What hurt the most Dwayne was that we were friends and I thought we shared a deeper connection so when the tabloids came out and how you and the media lacked me as a hoe and a slut it hurt me because I gave you my all and you just wanted the publicity that came with my name. And"

"I'm sorry I made a mistake I'll shout it to the world on how dumb, stupid and foolish. I saw an opportunity and cashed in on the conversation that was circling around which was you and your multiple guys. I thought maybe if I befriended her that I can get close to her and that can boost my status as a Hollywood elite. I'm so used to storylines and guys using girls for fame that I got accustomed to it. Until I met the real you, you are sweet, kind, a beautiful soul that loves everyone no matter how much bullshit they hold. That's the reason why you stay with your family because you see the good in them even though people on the outside looking in thinks you are foolish for doing so. Jennifer that is my one mistake in life which was playing you instead of being genuine. Pushing my growing feelings for you aside just to get my popularity up. If I wasn't such an ass we could be married right now with kids a void that you are still trying to dismiss my saying you are ok with being an Auntie. You aren't Nikki you deserve to be love and cherish with a husband and kids that love you. I'm sorry and I know like you said these are just words but I'm ready..I'm ready to take that leap with you make you Jennifer Johnson. I'm ready to love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond all you have to do is say yes you'll take me back and be my girlfriend." He said now kneeling waiting for an answer from her you would think that he was proposing to her but you know with Samoans the live their heart out on their sleeves .

"Well if you are going to do this when you are confessing your affection for me I wonder what you are going to do when you propose to me?" Jennifer joked.

"This could have just may been my proposal to you but I didn't want to scare you." He said in s stern voice never taking his eyes off of her making Jennifer nervously choke on her glass of wine. "So what do you say? Are you going to give me a second chance and make you one step closer to becoming Mrs. Jennifer Johnson?"

"You get one more shot you mess up this time that's it there will be no longer any Jennifer coming from your mouth or anything. I want you to delete my number and don't try to talk to me during any occasion where we are in the same room. Once you become my ex, that's all you ever be my ex. You'll be exiled from my memory. I'll be your girlfriend." She said them smiling.

"Not how I imagine asking you out being grilled by you all at once."

"Well when you lied to me once I'm not going to be so open with us being us a couple until I see real change. After all you are the one that lied to me and used me for your projecting your career in Hollywood. I don't understand why you did it in the first place you are a talented actor."

"Like I said I was young, dumb, and broke."

*Text Message*
💩💩: Mom said that you need to come and participate in the viewing party.
Jennifer: Nikki why are you texting me I'm doing something important right now.
💩💩: Oh you mean sucking Dwayne's dick and adding more to your hoe chronicles. You can't even support your family.
Jennifer : I don't know what you talking about I'm always supporting this fucked up family.
💩💩: Oh you mean ruining other families if you can't come to viewing party make sure you tune into CBS for their exclusive interview with yours truly mwah❤️

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