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Jennifer Pov

"Thank You Maria for getting me out of that basement." I said ripping the tape off of my wrist.

"I'm so sorry ma'am I didn't know you were down there. Ms. Danielson just told me to lock the door because you didn't want anyone to go down there. Im.....I'm.... please forgive me, I can't lose this job I have a family to raise." Maria the housekeeper said getting on her knees and begging for forgiveness.

"It's ok Maria you aren't getting fired, you were doing your job at the end of the day I'm still alive but now I need to ask you a question where's Brie and where's Nicole? Better yet where's Dwayne?"Now I'm wondering how long have I been gone and did anyone care to look for me or did they just gave up on me.

"You didn't here they all died, well ofcourse you wouldn't have because you were in the basement. It was a massive explosion and no one survived. All because they were looking for you. Señorita you killed them. You Diablo." Maria said backing up scared putting her cross necklace towards me while chanting a Spanish prayer.

"What the hell was that?"

I went over to my laptop to see if there would be any possible clues on where everyone would be at there just no way that all of them could be dead by some freak explosion. Why haven't any cops come by if that was the case they would have look for clues on why they were there in the first place. Why would they think I was in a factory of all places?

Logging on two my laptop I typed of factory fire and that was the first thing that popped up.

Sarasota, Florida - There are reports of multiple fatalities and missing bodies. Reports say they are the bodies off several well known celebrities this was not the spark to success they were looking for. It was a scary Friday night for folks in one Sarasota neighborhood as firefighters tried to get a 5-alarm blaze under control.

Sarasota Fire Commissioner Adam Copeland said the fire was placed under control but firefighters continued working throughout the night.

Flames and thick black smoke poured from the four-story warehouse at 21st and Lerencott. Chopper 7 captured video from above the inferno in Sarasota as walls collapsed and transformers popped and exploded.

Delilah Newton of Sarasota said, "Next thing I knew I just saw a whole big boom. And it was coming towards us this way. They were dragging me down the street. You could just feel the heat all over you. I called my mother and she said you can see the ash clouds 20 miles down."

"It looked like a big blaze came up and everything blew out, transformers and everything," added Anthony Banks of Los Angeles.

This was a five-alarm fire and officials say 65 fire apparatus and more than 200 firefighters were brought in to battle it.

Multiple streets were closed while they worked. Officials say there are other buildings in that complex, and the fire started to spread.
Sarasota Fire Captain Clifford Gilliam said, "We did have what we call a fire extension over to another building that other companies did come and extinguish that fire."

Officials say the fire started around 6:30 p.m. and neighbors were quickly drawn to the scene. One person on sight may  believe that she saw to figures jump in the water. However, National Guard said there were no traces of anyone jumping.

This doesn't make since at all... I have to go there and see if there's any hint off someone that knows something I have to talk to that lady because if she saw two figures jump in the water that means that they're still alive somewhere. Now if only I can find that Maria so she can drive me to the sight.

Narrator Pov

"Thank you Maria for letting her out, now I'm going to need you to lure Jennifer into a trap. You are going to drive her right to the factory where this will be Jennifer's last breath so to speak once you are there I'll give you anything you want just bring my sister here alive." Brie said on the phone to Maria.

"You...you got it boss I'll bring Jennifer to you alive." Maria said hanging up and walking back into the house to get Jennifer.

"Oh there you are I was looking for you."

"Really because I was just looking for you."

"Um Maria you are the one who ran away from me but anyway what's up."

"I just wanted to tell you that I remembered that  Mrs. Danielson would always talk about a factory by a lake. I remember she took me over there one day. So sorry I didn't tell you before it slipped my mind to find out that you were alive this whole time. Come follow me I'll show you where it's at." Maria said pulling her arm heading outside the door to the car.

"Wait Maria slow down we have to stop at this place before we go to the factory." Jennifer said pulling her arm out of Maria's grasp.

"Why do we have to stop we must go to the factory first."

"We must? Maria do you remember that I am your employer and they I sign you checks so we are going to stop at this ladies house, asking her a couple questions, and then we are going to head out to the factory. I don't even know why you are in such of a rush anyway. Slow down Maria, you gotta live life in the moment." Jennifer said laughing heading to the car only to be yanked by Maria.


"Sorry Jennifer but you talk to much and my need for money it's worth more than your entire life." Maria said dropping the pipe she used to whack Jenn in the head. She then began to pull her body into the trunk of the car struggling at time due to her bad back but it was worth it letting out a sigh of relief when she got her body fully in the trunk.

Phone Call

Maria: Boss lady there happens to be a problem, your sister was talking a little too much and she didn't want to follow the route so I Hit her with a pipe and put her in the back of the trunk. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Brie: Maria! Can anyone not listen to direct rules. Ugh I can't wait for Dean to come back so he can handle things the proper way.

Maria: I- I'm so sorry.

Brie: Just get her

Maria:(coughs and struggles) heeeeeelp.

Mystery Person: Seems like I just ruined another little plot in your plan. You see Maria is no longer with us let's just say she just got choked by her own lies. Now this is how we are going to continue forward with your little plan. You are going to start following my rules.

Brie: Listen dickhead I don't know who you are but I'm not following anything you say or do.

Mystery Person: Oh really well why don't you tell your little boyfriend that I have y'all precious daughter and if you don't follow my rules your precious will be gone. I like the term Bye Bye Birdie.

Brie:(cries) okay I'll listen what's the first rule....

Mystery:(laughs) you're so weak....you may have agreed but Dean has to agree with the rules too. You have 24 hours to agree to terms or awe she's so adorable with her green eyes it's a shame she won't make it to see three right Brie..... Bye Bye Birdie.......Bye Bye Birdie.

End Call

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