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Today is not a sad moment for us girls, its a celebration. We accomplished so much throughout the 6 years we started this crazy, but fun ride together. Being the oldest, it was sometimes watching over some teens throughout the sad and good moments together. I fell for my best friend within 3 years we known each other. I had hard time telling how I was feeling for her. It was confusing because I never felt this way with anyone as cliché it sounds, it was true. At first she avoided me for a week and it was so hard not talking to her but I understood why she did. She always had a way with words but it was something she still stutters and it's only towards me. It's adorable. I never thought I would have that affect with her.

I don't know if this means we're not going to stay together, lately she's been distant and being on the phone with someone else. When we kiss, she'll kiss on my cheek ad say love ya. I feel like her friend than her girlfriend. She stopped talking to me about her day or what we should spend our days off. I guess this means we're not going to stat together.

Normani always fly together home since we're both live in Texas so I was just waiting for her to tell me what gate and where we're flying in, San Antonio or in Houston this time. I was reading our messages from this past month and she would always tell me it's me and her forever and I love you the mostest. She would even text good morning babe, even when we sleep together. It was the cutest.

I made sure Dinah got on the right plane, you don't want to know the last time we all got Dinah in the wrong flight and she was yelling me for not being responsible but I paid for her uber. Normani was in bathroom and I was in line to get us coffee. Lauren was at her gate which was two gates by ours. She was reading her book as she's always reading something. I couldn't see squat, but I could text her.

Laurennn; hi i miss you.

Alyson; Come sit with me. Your flight isn't leaving for another hour yet.. we can talk and I promise it's not bad news.

Laurennn; you promise?

Alyson; yes, I'll tell you what I've been up to and why I've been distant. It's good news babe.

Laurennn; I'm still your babe?

Alyson; Yes, Allyson, you're still my girlfriend. I love you so much.

Laurennn; I love you so much, Lo.

I smiled so big at that moment that I forgot what to order. I shook my head and ordered for myself, Normani and Lauren. I found Normani and told her that I was going to talk to Lauren but she came where we were and Normani went to look out the windows.

"Lo, I'm sorry but I just missed you."

"I missed you too, Als, I'm sorry for being distant. I'm not going to break up with you, I want to be with you and I just got a little scared because of the group breaking up again at least I felt I was going to loose being with you that I thought if I could try being on my own would make it easier to get used to it, but it didn't work because it made me missed you. But I was on the phone so much because I was planing to and if it's okay with you, to move to Texas with you and we can get on the same label and work on our own stuff but still be  together."

"Laurennn, really??? You would want to move to Texas with me?"

"Yes, if it's okay with you."

"Of course it is, babe!! Ah you're going to Texas with us?"

"Ah not today but I will soon, I just got to get my stuff from Miami and then I'll just drive to Texas."

"But you coming?"

"Yes babe, I want to be with you."

"I love you."

"I love you the mostest. It's you and me forever babe."

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