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I was starting a new movie theaters as a supervisor. Following my new general manager as she was showing me around and where things were. I noticed a cute employee. She noticed me and smiled at me and then went off to say hi to her other employee, I think his name was Matt or something with a M.. but I was still getting used to this new place.

My new manager, Dinah, found the cute employee stocking things on the cart. I may or may not be staring at her ass but my mind knew that a few things it was wrong.

"Hey, Ally, this is Lauren, she's our new supervisor, would you mind showing her opening concession today?

"Oh sure thing. Hi, I'm Ally." she said. It was the cutest thing. I watched her lift a bigger box as it was big to her. It seemed like she was used to doing things like this.

"So how long you've been working here?"

"Um, I believe its now 4 years."

"Oh wow! That's awesome!"

"Yeah it's not bad, I like it."

"That's good."

I followed her to the main part of the concession and I passed her things and watched her set up for the morning. It's nice to see hard working people appreciate and actually do their work, instead of being lazy and being on their phone until someone shows up. After it was all done and set, she decided to help out making popcorn. Her co worker, Matt and her were talking about what have been going thorough the days. Guessing they don't work as much but it's nice how nice and her laugh is my new favorite sound. I smiled with their conversations. It was nice to meet new people and get along so quickly. With her I mean.

Throughout the day I was following Dinah and then mostly watching Ally as she was taking guests and it was sweet how nice a person is with a beautiful smile on the whole day. Whether she was meeting them, someone was difficult or known them for years, it was really nice how genuine she was and that was the first day. I walked back and fourth to talk to other employees as the day went by. It was a long, but good first day. I was going to like this place. My new coworkers were nice, funny and kind.

It took almost 2 months to get used to how and what to do on a weekend, weekdays, or when we're more than busy. I have gotten to know Ally, she doesn't do scary movies and her laugh is becoming my favorite sound so far. It was a Monday, which seems to be a boring day. I was getting back at emails. There was no customers at the moment which is good for now.

"Oh so did you get Taco Bell last night?" Ally asked me

"No, I ended up getting McDonald's instead." I told her

"Oh ha, as long you ate. That's good."

"Yeah, thanks for checking up on me."

"Aw you're welcome."

We smiled at each other until one of our managers called me. I gave her a sad face, and answered the radio call. I saw Ryan, needed my assistance. I wanted to hang out with Ally so more. I was scared to ask her for her number just we can talk more outside of work. I mean I have her number just in case we would need to call other employees in if we are short in our team, but I rather just have because we trust each other in that sense. Our days were coming to the end. I was watching her work and helping guests as they walked in.

"Hey, Lauren, I need a refund." Ally told me.

"I'll be right there." I said

She briefly explained what was going on with the guests, and then backed up so I could talk to them.  I started talking as she answered the phone. She waited as they left and told me that was one her co workers, Cole couldn't come in for some reason.

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