Chapter 9

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Ok so Ive thought a lot about this story and Im gonna change the characters a bit. Angelina and Graciela are gonna be taken out of the story. Instead im going to be living with my bestfriend Krista who is currently single. Alex and Sarah Wright are still together. Justin is still Ausints "mentor" and is dating Selena. Robert is single and Im still with Austin. Sarah is still with Harry and the other boys of one direction are gonna be in this story too. Just not yet. 

On another note Im sorry I havent been updating a lot! I was in Michigan last week with no interenet and I just got back yesterday. I have one more day of summer school and then Im all yours!(:

I love you all so much., Thank you for reading my story.(: It means so much to me. Please comment and give me some feedback. Fan, vote, add to your library, read it to your cat, tell your friends. Any who, on with the story!


Sarahs P.O.V.

Sam: Move to Texas with me?

My mouth dropped and I stared at my bestfriend while tears poured down my face. I see my bestfriend in the whole wide world for not even an hour since we went our sepereate ways and she already wanted me to move in with her. I mean we always talked about it when we were teenagers but then we went our seperate ways. Should I do it? I mean Ive always wanted to live with her but what if we got into a huge fight. And what about Harry and I?

Sam: Stop over thinking things Sarah. Just think about it and let me know ok?

She sqeezed my arm and walked out of the room. I stepped out and walked over into Harrys arms. He gave me a hug and looked in my eyes.

Hazza: Whats wrong babe?

I looked at Sam who was sitting beside her mom playing on her phone. I looked at my beautiful bestfriend and thought about what she asked me a few minutes ago. I looked back and forth between Harry and Sam before I knew what I had to do.

Me: Im moving to Texas with Sam.

*Back to Sams POV*

Sarah: Im moving to Texas with Sam.

My head shot up from my phone as I stared at my bestfriend, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Me: Re.. really?

Sarah: Yes really. We always talked about it as kids and I missed you so much when you left. Im following my heart and Im moving in with you.

Hazza: What does that mean about us.?

I looked up at Harry and saw tears starting to form. Sarah looked him in the eyes before giving him a small kiss. Before she could say anything Niall came running down the hall with a big smile on his face.

Nialler: Harry!! Ive got some great news!!

Hazza: Not now Niall.

Nialler: Oh shut up Harold. Ok so I was kinda listening in our Sam and Sarahs conversation about Sam wanting Sarah to move to Texas with her and I knew Sarah was gonna say yes so I went and called good old Uncle Simon and he said we could move down to Texas since were on break from touring and everything.

Harry slowly got out or Sarahs arms and walked over to Niall and smacked him on the head. Then he gave him a bear hug, picking him up and twirling him around. 

Such a cute bromance. <3

Nialler: Ok for one owww!! What was that for! And for two would you stop with the bromance stuff! Thats for you and Louis!

Hazza: The smack was for listening to their conversation and aww come on Nialler. You know your my one and only.

Sarah looked like she was about to burst and so was I. We looked at each other and busted out laughing. My mom even joined in. Austin looked really uncomfortable. My phone vibrated and I saw it was a text from Austin.

My babe: Wanna go for a walk? We need to talk.

Me: Uhm.. Sure..?

He got up and started walking away and looked at Sarah and rolled my eyes and followed slowly behind him. Harry walked back over to Sarah and Niall looked at me with a sympathetic look. I gave a small smile before running to catch up with Austin. We didnt talk until we got outside. We walked over to a table outside and sat down. We were quiet for 5 minutes. I couldnt stand the silencew so I finally broke it.

Me: Whats wrong.

Austin: Nothing.

Me: Bullshit. Austin seriously whats wrong?

I grabbed his hand and made him look at me. He looked like he was about to cry. I was about to give him a small kiss but before I could he started talking again.

Austin: Im.. we..

Me: Spit it out please.

Austin: We need to break up.


And scene(:

haha dont kill me! i have a really good idea! 

ill update later tonight if i can, if not itll be tomorrow.

love you all. <3

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