Chapter 32

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Sam's Pov.

"Marissa? What are you doing here?!" I yelled at my old bestfriend, giving her a massive hug, while I let her in the house.

"Well, my boyfriend, scratch that, ex-boyfriend came home drunk with another women and basically made out with her right in front of me. So I packed my things and I stalk your Twitter so I knew you moved out and then I contacted Krista and she told me where you were. And now I'm here." she said.

Her mascara was smudged on her face from crying. Now, let me tell you a bit about Marissa. She's kinda short and a little round. She's not fat, but she's not skinny. She's perfect. Now, when we were little she used to be a lot bigger and she always got picked on. It was so bad that she moved away. Well, she came back a year later and was the hottest girl at school. Besides me(; Haha just kidding. Well, she became the popular girl in school and we quit talking for awhile. She had this boyfriend who was on the football team. His name was Zach and he was a major asshole. I wondered if that was the guy who broke her heart.

Well, anywho. I moved about 6 months after Marissa got back to school. We lost contact and I haven't seen her since. It was nice to have her back in my life though.

"Here, sit down on the couch and I'll make you some of my famous hot chocolate, alright?" I asked smiling, as I led her to the couch.

She smiled and nodded. My hot chocolate was her favorite. She didn't drink anybody's but mine, which made me feel special.

I walked to the kitchen and started making my masterpiece. 10 minutes later and a lot of sugar in two Christmas themed mugs and I was walking out to the couch with a smiling, jumpy Marissa at my couch waiting for me. I handed her, her mug and watched her face glow like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"So, hows life been?" I asked, sipping my hot chocolate.

"Pretty good. After you left more and more people faked being my friend. I got tired of it so I secluded myself and I only hung out with Zach and his friends. We stayed together for a long ass time, until he cheated on me like a half-hour ago. I really thought he was the one Sam. I just don't understand what went wrong." she said, on the verge of tears.

I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek and smiled.

"Marissa, there is nothing wrong with you, at all. You are so beautiful and sooo strong. You have no idea how much you mean to me and a lot of other people in this world. Without you I never would have got over Jason." I said laughing at the memory of my ex boyfriend.

"Oh my gosh, he was terrible!" she said giggling.

"I know right!" I said laughing.

"And no you have Niall right?" she asked, curiosity showing on her face.

"She will be soon" Niall said coming down the stairs. Louis trailing behind him.

I giggled and got off the couch and ran and gave them both a hug. Niall grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Shut up Niall. Its not my fault you havent made your move." I said winking.

I grabbed Louis hand with my free on and skipped over to Marissa. She looked at us like we were crazy.

"Marissa I'd like you to meet my bestfriend Louis, and my almosy maybe boyfriend Niall." I said.

Niall shook her hand and told her she looked beautiful. Louis gave her a huge hug and told her he loved her. Marissa just stood there smiling like an idiot.

"I know who they are Sam. I don't live under a rock haha." she said laughing.

"Well, I thought it'd be nice if they introduced themselves formally jerk." I said sticking my tongue out at her.

She laughed and just shook her head at me. I yawned and realized how tired I actually was.

"Alright, so I'm exhausted and I need to sleep. So Louis will show you to your room whenever you're ready, I'll talk to you in the morning, I'm making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Love you" I said.

I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Love you too Sammy" she said smiling.

"Niall, carry me." I said exhausted.

"Yes ma'lady." he said smiling.

I hopped on his back and he carried me upstairs pretending to be Superman. Man did I love this loser.

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