Chapter 19

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Kristas Pov.

Sam and Niall went outside for some reason. They just need to go out already! I know she's still sad from the whole Austin thing. Sam doesn't take breakups well. She's always been the type of girl to hide her feelings. She puts others before her. With Sam you can't ever tell if she's sad because of her attitude. She's always happy and smiling when she's around people. I know when she's faking it because I'm her bestfriend. I grew up with it.

"Krista what do you think?" someone said interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said.

"What do you think about Sam and Niall?" Sarah asked

"They need to go out already!"

They all looked at me shocked. Did they not feel the same?

"Really?" Liam said

"She just got out of a relationship and Niall is in one now.." Louis said.

"Sam's not ready for another relationship" Sarah said.

"I don't think they would last" Harry said as he chuckled.

I looked around at everyone with my mouth hanging open. Am I really hearing all this? Shouldn't they be supportive of their bestfriends? I looked at Zayn who was just keeping quiet. I was beyond pissed at everyone.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I yelled

"Krista.." Zayn said.

"Don't Krista me. Do you guys hear what your saying?! It doesn't matter if she just got out of a relationship. Sam is the type of girl who doesn't get a lot of guys. When she does she loves them with all her heart. And what happens? She gets her heart broken! I know for a fact Niall would never do that to Sam. And as for Niall having a girlfriend we all know its fake. Its just a publicity stunt so you guys can get more popular."

I couldnt stand to look at them right now. They all just looked at my with their mouths hanging open. I shook my head and got up and went outside.

"Sam, can you come with me?" I asked.

She looked at Niall with apologetic eyes before she looked up at me and answered.

"Sure. Where?" she said

"I don't know yet. But I need to get out of this house for a bit."

She looked confused but nodded. She gave Niall a hug before coming inside with me. I grabbed my purse and keys from the counter and walked outside with Sam right by my side. We got in the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"What happened love?" Sam asked with worry in her voice.

"We'll talk over coffee. I need some caffeine."

She giggled and nodded. We made our way to Starbucks so we could get coffee and talk. I told her what happened and she looked hurt. I hated seeing her like that. So I changed the subject and we just talked about nonsense for awhile. I missed our girl time. I knew she did too. A waitress came over to us and told us it was closing time. So we got up and left leaving a tip on the table.

"We should do this once a week. I miss our bestfriend talks." Sam said.

I nodded in agreement before we made our way back home. We walked in and saw everyone but Zayn passed out on the couch and the floor. Except for Sarah and Harry who were probably in Sarah's room. Zayn saw us walk in and came over to give me a hug.

Sams phone was ringing so she excused herself and made her way upstairs. I knew it wasn't good by the way she looked at the caller ID. I told her I'd be up after Zayn and I talked.

"Krista is everything ok?" he asked.

"Now that I'm with you, yes."

He didn't saw anything. He just stared in my eyes.

"Kiss me already." I said.

And so he did. It was short and sweet but then it turned into a makeout session. His tongue licked my bottom lip begging for entrance. I accepted and our tongues battled for dominance.

I heard a loud thud from upstairs and quickly pulled away from Zayn and ran to see what it was. Zayn was right behind me.

We ran to Sam's room and pushed the door open. We couldnt find her at first but the I saw her on the floor by the bathroom with a pool of blood surrounding her.


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