Chapter 24

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Authors Note!!

So considering schools starting soon I wont be able to update as much. Which sucks because writing is my passion.

So until school starts I will try my best to update once or twice a day! And I know this is turning more into a One Direction story but that's just for now. It will turn back into an Austin story. I have plenty of ideas(:

I would love you guys even more if your checked out my one direction story! And I'm actual thinking about starting a Ross Lynch love story.

If you don't know who he is I feel bad for you. He plays Austin in Disney Channels Austin and Ally. He has a family band called R5 and I love him and his family with all my heart.

So yeah. Haha. But anywho. I just want to thank you for everything you do! I love seeing all the votes and reads I get from you guys! It means the world. I love you all! <3

Now on with the story. (: Enjoy.

Sam's Pov.

"Saaaam!!!" someone screamed.

I turned around to see Niall trapped in the arms of the person who tried to kill me. They had a huge grin on their face as they held a knife to his throat. I screamed and dropped to my knees.

"Don't hurt him! Please! Ill do anything!" I screamed.

They smiled and laughed. They shook their head and before I knew it the knife sliced Nialls neck and he was thrown to the floor.

"Take this as a warning princess. For every day you stay with one direction or Austin I will kill someone you love. So if I were you I'd leave town."

They smirked and jumped out the window. I ran over to Niall and tried to bring him back to life. But it was to late. He was gone.

I woke up screaming bloody murder. Louis came running through the bathroom door with a worried look on his face. He ran right to my side and pulled me in his arms. He rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down. But it was no use. I kept shaking and crying and I just couldn't control myself.

"Nightmare?" Louis asked.

I nodded and cried into his chest. Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this. I'm a good person. I was always a good kid in school. I never broke the law. I tried to keep to myself most of the time. I have great friends who would never hurt me. Then I remembered my outburst from earlier. What if they hate me..?


"Yes love?"

"When I left earlier.. after my outburst.. did the others get mad?" I asked.

He shook his head and wiped away the tears that fell.

"Not at all. We were to worried about you. After you left Austin got smart and tried to pick a fight with us. But Krista took control of him real fast. It was hilarious. She kicked him in the balls and told him never to come back. Then Liam and I picked him up and threw him outside. It was funny."

I smiled a little and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"My Superman." I said with a smile.

He laughed and kissed my head.

"Niall is worried sick about you love. You might wanna go check on him."

I nodded and got up. I gave Louis a hug and he kissed my cheek before he layed down and skyped Eleanor.

I quietly shut the door and made my way downstairs. The light in the living room was on and I heard people talking. It sounded a lot like Niall and Liam. So I hid behind the wall and listened.

"We have an interview tomorrow with Good Morning Today." Liam said.

"And..?" Niall asked.

"Their gonna ask about you and Sam. There was a photographer at the hospital. They saw you guys leave together. And everyone else still thinks your with Demi." Liam said

"Ok? What are you trying to get at Liam?" Niall asked.

"People think your cheating on Demi! Why haven't you broke up with her yet? You like Sam right? Yeah that's what I thought." Liam said. He sounded irritated.

"Its not that easy though Liam. I like Sam I really do. But then again I like Demi. I know it started off as a publicity thing but I don't know. I think I might love her. But I'm in love with Sam. I need help Liam! I don't know what to do!"

My heart slowly sank to my chest. He loved Demi? But he was in love with me. What the fuck?

"Demi doesn't love you! Sam does! Ok?! I don't understand how you can't see that. Your actual happy with Sam. Demi pretends to like you when in reality she doesn't like you." Liam whispered/screamed

"But Sam is just a regular girl! I don't want the fame, the fans, or the paps to hurt her!"

I had enough. I didn't want to hear anymore. So I walked through the hallway and went straight to the kitchen. I pushed past Niall and Liam and went to the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk and sat down in a stool. I looked up and saw Liam whisper something in Nialls ear. He sighed and nodded.

"How are you babe?" Liam asked as he sat next to me.

I broke my gaze at Niall and looked at him. I smiled and shrugged.

"I've been better. But Louis told me what you did about Austin and I want to thank you. It means a lot."

He shrugged and smiled. I gave him a hug and asked what was Nialls problem.

"We'll talk tomorrow. Its late and we have a morning interview tomorrow. So I need some sleep." he said

I nodded and gave him a bear hug before he went upstairs to the guest room to sleep. I looked at Niall who was just staring at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I said smirking.

He broke his look from me and looked at the ground with rosy cheeks.

"So what's wrong with you." I asked.

"Nothing, why would something be wrong?" he asked all to quickly.

I rolled my eyes and got off my stool.

"Ok. Forget I asked. I'm going to my room. You should get some sleep. You have a big interview tomorrow. I'm sure Demi will be watching."

I grabbed my bottle and ran upstairs to my room. Louis was already asleep so I quietly made my way to my side of the bed and got in. I couldn't sleep so I decided to write Louis a note.

Dear Louis,

I want to thank you for being here for me through everything. It means the world to me knowing I have someone I can rant to or cry on. Your the brother I never had but always wanted. You and the boys have changed my life. I couldn't see my life without you guys in it. I want you to know that I'm here for you if you need me. I love you with all my heart. Never forget that. Oh and you look cute when you sleep haha.  

Love Always: Sam <3

I folded it and put it on top of his phone. I got into bed and cuddled up to Louis and fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

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