Chapter 35

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Sams Pov

"Chirp, chirp, chirp"

I opened my eyes slowly as the birds sung their morning song and the light beamed through the curtains. I sat up and stretched. I looked over at NIall who was snoring lightly. I looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand by my.. scratch that. our bed. It was a little past 8:30. Looks like it was time to get breakfast started. I kissed Niall's nose before getting out of bed and walking downstairs to get breakfast started.

I turned the stove on before I realized I didnt know where anything was. Well shit. How am I supposed to make everyone breakfast now?

"If your looking for the pans, there in the cabnet next to the stove." Louis said as he walked down the stairs. 

"Thanks Lou, wanna help?" I asked smiling.

"Are you sure thats such a good idea?" he asked grinning evily.

"No, but you only live once right?" I said winking.

And thus started the greatest cooking experience ever.

~30 minutes later~

"Louis William Tomlinson, you did not just put flour in my hair" I screamed

By now, everything was done except the chocolate chip pancakes. Which were not going so well. Louis kept throwing flour at me. Marissa and Niall were sitting in the stools laughing at us. I stuck my tongue out at them and then threw an egg at Louis. His face = priceless

"Oh hell no." he said laughing, then he started chasing me.

"Niall. Help me!" I yelled running around the living room.

"Sorry babe, this is your battle." he said laughing.

I stopped in my tracks and stared at him. Well then. Whatever. I let Louis get me and I honestly didnt care what he did. I was to pissed. Obviously he could tell so he just picked me up and carried me back to the kitchen. We finished cooking and by the time everything was done I wasnt hungry. So I decided to just go upstairs and shower. 

As I was walking away Marissa grabbed my hand and gave me the look. I shrugged her off and walked upstairs.

"Not hungry Sam?" Louis asked.

"I lost my appetite." I said staring straight at Niall.

I finished walking upstairs and slammed my bedroom door, a little harder than I wanted. Oops. Oh well. I dont care. I went to my bathroom and shut the door, locking it before I started the shower. I made sure the water was just the right temperature before I undressed and got in. The water definitely relaxed my muscles. I didnt realize I was that tense. Maybe it was just because of all the stress thats been going on. Ive been pressured into all this drama and its just so hard. Even though Niall and Louis are here for me, its still hard. 

I shouldnt have gotten mad over the face that Niall didnt help with Louis either. It was wrong and stupid of me, but at the time it didnt matter. It just hurt. I was over-reacting I know, but I couldnt help it. 

There was a knock on the door and then the door opened. I peeked throught the curtain to see Marissa sitting on the toilet smiling up at me.

'Uhh hi there." I said giggling

'Sorry, you've just been in here for about 45 minutes and thats not like you. Are you ok?" She asked.

"Im fine. Im just over thinking things, like usual" I said as I shut off the water. 

"Well Im here if you need to talk ok?' She said.

"I know, and Im glad I have you. Hey, lets go shopping later ok?" I said smiling at the thought of us shopping.

"Be ready in an hour beautiful." She said before leaving.

Well this should be fun. 

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