chapter 2 | transfer

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"i found love

where it wasn't supposed to be

right in front of me

talk some sense to me."

-I Found, Amber Run

-I Found, Amber Run

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THE CHOOSING Ceremony - an elegant white room with fancy decking that leads to a large, blanched stage. On the stage were five bowls with symbols on them. I can't see what's inside them, but I know the different faction elements are inside. The two I really care about are the grey stones and the coals - in fact, they are the only two I can remember. Abnegation and Dauntless.

I also looked around for Emily. Emily is my best friend, although she's in Amity. Her older brother moved to Abnegation when I was 13 and Emily decided to visit him every couple months. She bumped into me on the gravel outside my house, and we became reasonably close friends over the years. The closest friend I've ever had, to be honest.

I finally find her sitting next to her mother amongst the Amity. Her long, yellowish-red dress drapes past her knees and her hair is braided into two golden fishtails running down the side of her face. We lock eyes immediately, and Emily waves excessively although I wave once - rather formally, as my father is close. He told me when I was young that it's forbidden to have friends in other factions. I kept my friendship with Emily a secret since then.

Marcus places a hand on my shoulder, making me jump out of place. He doesn't notice - or maybe he didn't even care at all, just hissed out the two words he'd been telling me for my entire lifetime. Especially since my brother left.

"Choose Abnegation." Before he veered away onto the blanched stage.

I decide to wander closer to the Dauntless before taking my seat, although it really isn't much use. I can't see Eric amongst the crowds of black uniform anymore, so I blend back in with the grey uniform of the Abnegation until I reach a seat.

And then it begins.


"Katie Aberdeen." Marcus's voice booms.

A short girl with curly blonde hair steps out from amongst the Erudite. Her light footsteps travel to the bowls where she slices her palm with the blade of a sharp knife and drips her blood into the water. For her, the decision is an easy one to make. It's clear she was born into her faction as she pushes her unprescribed glasses up her nose and carries herself to her seat, practically beaming. She isn't manipulated by her cruel father. She isn't carrying the burden of a murder. Or, at least, in my brother's eyes...

Tobias had joined Dauntless. I couldn't believe he had left me with Marcus because I was only 12. Plus, the argument we had was not easily forgivable... I thought I would've forgotten the insults 4 years later, but in fact, I don't. In fact, I wonder if I still really do want to find him.

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