chapter 12 | second fight

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"beauty may be dangerous,

but intelligence is lethal."



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LIGHT POURS against my eyelids and I force them open with a grunt. Above me, the ceiling is white and so are the walls. I hear a low, continuous beep, beep, beep. It grinds against my ears so I lift my head. Emily grins at me.

"Hey! You're awake!" She beams, and Al sits beside her. He smiles. They're both sitting at the end of the bed. "I didn't think you'd ever wake up-"

"Where am I?" I say, squinting against the light.

"The infirmary," Al replies, nodding slowly. "Rhett beat the shit out of you!" I blink. My eyes keep watering, like when I used to prepare dinner in the kitchen back in Abnegation and there's too much steam in my eyes. I prop myself up.

"Oh, uh..." Emily begins, and I tilt my head at her. I feel sore - all of my body aches, especially my head, and my lips feel too big for my face and it feels like I'm submerged in water. My mind and my vision is swimming and my voice sounds too loud in my ears.

"Eric wants to see you in the training room, like right now." Al finishes, and grab the edge of the duvet, gently pushing it back with my fingers. My heart races in my chest.

"N-now?" I stutter, and Emily shrugs.

"Well, he said as soon as you woke up."

"Oh, shit-" I murmur, and Emily helps me onto my feet. I wobble a little before gaining my balance. The room tilts a little, before the floor straightens out. 

The thought of being in the training room alone with Eric makes my stomach flip. A room filled with knives and guns is not a good place to be with someone like Eric, I know that for sure. Why would he want to see me? To discuss my low rank? If that's the case, I don't need to go. I'm certain I won't make it - my ranking was already low and losing my fight against Rhett has knocked it down even more. I'm going to be Factionless by the end of Stage One.

"I'm sure you'll be alright." Emily says. "You know where to find us, in the dormitary, okay?" We sign out of the infirmary and walk to the training room. Al supports me, holding my elbows. With every step, my pain is replaced with an underlying fear that nibbles away at me, until my legs tremble. Maybe Emily and Al can come in with me. But then again, Eric asked to see me and only me. 

I have to go in on my own.

When we reach the training room, I wait outside until Emily and Al are out of sight, so I can gather my thoughts and things to say. I think of the things Eric could possibly say and develop answers for them, but then I realize that probably won't work. Scrapping my thoughts, I push down the handle and walk inside.

As soon as the door clicks shut, apprehension bundles inside me. I see Eric, leaning against a target. I approach him, and a lump grows in my throat. I try not to look nervous - why should I be? Maybe it's the way he looks down at me. I clear my throat.

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