chapter 69 | crazy, cold fire

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"HEY, THERE," My voice is quiet. A Candor girl looks up at me, shaking. "It's okay. I'm not one of them."

She looks relieved, shoulders slumping. I recognize her. One of the girls that liked to play with Aria.

"There's a staircase about three yards away," I say, "I'll tell you when no one is watching then you run. Okay?"

She nods. I look around. There are two Dauntless traitors talking behind me, and one in front of me starts down the hallway away from me.

"Now." I command.

The girl gets up and darts toward the door to the stairwell. I watch her. The door clicks shut, and my reflection stares back at me in one of the windows.

I realize I'm not alone. Eric is standing behind me.

Our eyes meet in the windows. I feel like running, but he would catch me. I want to shoot, but I have no gun. I wonder what Venus would do - what she would want me to do. Fight or flight?

I spin round, bring up my elbow. I hit him in the jaw, but it doesn't do any damage. He grabs my arm, and with the other, presses the barrel of the gun to my forehead.

"I thought you were stupid," He says. "But not stupid enough to come up here with no gun."

I scowl at him, and lift my knee, kicking him in the groin. He grimaces and drives the heel of his gun at my face. It hits me in the chin, the force so brutal that my head slams into the door behind me.

"Where is she?" Eric growls, clicking a bullet into the chamber. "I didn't want to kill her friend, but I'll do it to find her."

"You have an insane way of showing how much you love her." I clench my teeth. "I actually don't think you do. You just like getting what you can't have. But you can't have her."

His eyes burn with a crazy, cold fire. He slips behind me and grabs both my arms, starting down the hallway toward the lift. "As much as I would like to shoot you in the fucking head right now, I'd rather have you watch everything you have slowly go down the drain, until you have nothing left to hold on to."

"Touche'." I spit. "Fuck you too."

He leads me to the elevator bank. When we're inside, he forces me to my knees next to a Candor girl wearing a blouse tucked into her skirt. She glances across at me, eyes smeared with black eye shadow.

I look at the other people in the elevator bank, looking for anyone I might know. That's when I see her.

She looks terrified, mousy-brown hair falling loose from her ponytail, wearing a white shirt that fits her like a dress - that doesn't fit her at all, because she still trips over it.


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