chapter 22 | an order

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ON MY first day, Four told all of us he works in the Control Room when he isn't in the training room. He wasn't in the training room earlier, after lunch, and I'm guessing the Control Room is where he is. 

When I reach the room, I open the door without hesitation. A couple heads look round and I scan the room until I see a short haircut and dark blue eyes. My brother.

He quickly shuts down whatever program was running on his computer and scoots out his chair, approaching me in quick footsteps. I move out from under the doorway, and he follows me outside. His eyes drill into mine as the door closes behind him.

"What do you want?" He demands, and I roll my eyes.

"To talk with my brother. Is that too hard to ask?"

"Not here," He says, about to pull me away although I stay exactly where I am. 

"If not here, where? If not now, when?" I growl. "Tell me why you hate me, and then I'll leave."

Four furrows his eyebrows. "I didn't know how stubborn you were until now." He begins, and I slap his arm.

"Just tell me, Four!" 

He crosses his arms. "You think me talking about it, will make me forgive you?"

I let out a snort. "Forgive you? For what? For coming here and escaping him, or something else that I'm not aware of?"

"It's too dangerous for you here-"

"I'm not small!" I snap. "And that's not the real reason anyway!"

Four grinds his teeth together, and I shake my head, staring at the ground. "I didn't know you didn't want me here so much..."

"If you weren't here, I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!" He begins to yell, and I scowl up at him. Anger courses through my veins.

"What?" I hiss in his face, my fists coiled at my sides. "What are you saying?"

"My mother was always there to protect me until you killed her." He grits his teeth, and my fists fall loose and my face drops. "I wouldn't have to be here, I would've stayed in Abnegation with her to protect me. You are ruining my life!" 

Tears fall down my face. He thinks I killed his mother. My mother, our mother. She died giving birth to me, the most selfless death I can think of. My fingers shake. "How could you even think that?" I wail, covering my mouth with my hand. "I didn't kill our mother! I didn't!"

A sharp, stinging sensation spreads across one side of my face. I bring my hand to my cheek, staring up at Four who still has his hand raised from the slap. Marcus, Marcus, Marcus - he flashes in Four's eyes and for a moment I see him instead of my brother. My brother. How is he my brother?

ALL THE WRONGS • DIVERGENT ERIC FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now