chapter 51 | last words and lies

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I SAY my goodbyes to Lucy and Edward and Myra, telling them to get the message to Tobias that I'm in Abnegation, and that I'm going to take Tris's parents somewhere safe. She told me where she lived once back in initiation, and something about sunflowers outside on the porch. Lucy hands me a gun to use for safety. I thank her and I carefully jump off just prior to the Abnegation houses.

My heart starts to race at the thought that my father is here and the huge decision. I have a chance to save my father, but only if I want to. Do I really want to?

No. I must get to Tris's parent's house first.

No one is really that awake at this time. A couple old Abnegation stroll around their lawns, and I look out for yellow flowers. My eyes find a boring grey house just like my old one, with a couple of withering sunflowers growing around the door.

I walk up to the house and knock. There is shuffling and then a pretty woman opens the door. Her hair is tied back in a brunette knot and she has high cheekbones. Her face doesn't have many wrinkles; she looks surprisingly young.

"Tris's mother?" I ask in a cracked voice. The woman tilts her head.

"Why, yes, I remember you. Venus, right? I'm Natalie." Then she frowns in concern. "Has something happened?"

"Dauntless is preparing to attack Abnegation this morning." I say. "I need to help you evacuate before they arrive. It's the safest time to do so."

"Does Tris know you're helping us?" She says. "I don't want her to come here for me, when I'm not going to be here-"

"I got my friends to deliver her a message. Although, I can't guarantee she won't come to save others. You must come with me if you want to survive."

She ponders what I said for a second, before turning away. "Let me wake my husband... you can come in, if you'd like."

"Of course." I walk inside and wait in the living room. Natalie and Tris's father, Andrew, come down the stairs dressed in monotone grey. "Know anywhere safe?" Andrew asks.

"The alley on the right. Down in the basement." Natalie suggests. "It should be safe there."

We head out the door and walk as fast as we can to the grey building. The door opens and we close it behind us, going down into the basement. It is dark and cobwebby and abandoned, but most definitely safe.

"I need to warn others," I say, and Natalie looks at me with doubt in her eyes. Strangely, for a woman in a selfish faction.

"Just be safe," She says and leans against a dusty wall.

I nod and climb the stairs, opening the door and closing it behind me. When I get to the top of the alleyway, swarms of black clothing fill my vision My heart misses a beat and I don't have time to look for any familiar faces, but I also don't have time to rush back down the alleyway. I had tucked the gun in the waistband of my panties (the only place I could put it, without carrying it by hand and scaring the shit out of a poor Abnegation kid) and I carefully withdraw it, clicking the bullet into the chamber without thinking. Only shoot if I'm in danger. Only show myself if it's an emergency.

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