chapter 47 | runaway

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THE GENTLE buzz of the refigerator in the kitchen, the strips of warm sunlight from the single window next to the bed. Dust particles float around the air, and I watch them with sleepy eyes.

What happened?

Then I remember, and pull the duvets even further up my bare body. Blush flushes my entire face, and I smooth down my hair.

That was crazy.

When did I even get to sleep?

Then I notice the emptiness around me. Eric isn't here.

The thought makes my stomach drop.

Why did he leave so early? Disapointment, and embarrasment, rages through me and I just want to leave. Rude or not.

It is so quiet around me. Awfully quiet. Too quite. I get out of bed and slip on one of Eric's dark grey shirts, tip-toeing toward the door.

Why am I tiptoeing? Stupid me.

Opening the door, I look around. Everything is how it was last night, except for a small sheet of paper on the glass table. I furrow my brows and grumble something, stalking over to the note and snatching it up in my fingertips.

Went to a meeting, stay here. Four will be here at 1PM to look after you.

It was signed with Eric's name.

A meeting. Of course. He is a Dauntless leader, which explains why he has to be gone so early... shit. It is definately not early. Tobias will be here in an hour.

Did I really sleep in for that long? Must've been tired!

She chuckled to herself, and fell back on the couch. A grin warped her lips and she found herself giggling to herself,

I chuckle, and fall back on the couch. A grin warps my lips and I find myself giggling to myself and blushing furiously. 'Oh, my God! I actually did it!'

That was a stupid thing to think.

I shake my head to clear the 'thoughts', and look around. I have this huge apartment to myself for an entire hour before my brother arrives...


A knock on the door startles me completely, I almost drop the PB+J sandwich I made all over the white couch. Scrambling to my feet I eat the rest, including the crust, just as Tobias appears at the doorway. He scowls at me, giving me that sort of over-protective brotherly look.

"Tell me exactly where you slept last night, and exactly what you did when you got here." He says as soon as he locks the door.

"Woah, bro, calm down!" I laugh, wiping my lips. "It's a bit too embarrasing to tell my brother-"

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