chapter 49 | vaguely emo

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EVERYTHING IS going past so slowly...

From the exact second Tobias delivered the news that Eric didn't want anything to do with the baby, everything has ticked by at such a slow rate...

Tobias told me he'd make sure I'd never see him again. I didn't argue. I didn't know what was right.

Emily wanted to talk some sense into him. I didn't argue. Because, again, I didn't know what was right. I didn't want to be right. It's too much.

Harmonie thought 'girl-time' would cheer me up. And maybe I was a little excited when she walsed in the door with bags of cosmetics and beauty items... Apparently, she thought I'd look adorable with white (sorta steel - colored) hair. At least she didn't choose blue hair-dye, but it was still a radical change from brown-hair.

And shit, maybe I look okay with white hair? Especially when Harmonie smeared black eyeshadow over and under my eyelids, I truly couldn't recognize myself. It wasn't like I was looking at Venus from Abnegation or even Venus from Dauntless. I was an absolute stranger to myself... but it felt so free. I felt so free...

"I bought you some new clothes," Harmonie had continued. "Cute but Dauntless, and vaguely emo!" She tipped black and red clothes on the carpet in front of me. Deliberately ripped shirts, cool chain jackets, huge platform boots, short (short) denim shorts, and maternity clothes. "You're so lucky I didn't get any weird looks!"

"It's not like I can actually use this disguise around the compound," I said. "We're going to war in about two weeks!"

"Don't matter," Harmonie replied. "This is also for after, y'know? You're not sticking around in here for the rest of your life!"

Yes, two months had passed. In the mirror, my stomach was a faint (but visible) small bump. It didn't prominently show through clothes, but it was there.

Yesterday, Eric's friend visited. It seemed Eric had told Daine about me still being alive, and pregnant, and dropped by with a card. Kinda sweet. He looked the same from back then, when I was in initiation, although his hair seemed a couple shades lighter.

"I wouldn't tell anybody else," He told me, and smiled genuinely. "Eric is being a fucking ass, but I'll have a word with him. He needs to realize that he is involved in this, I mean, he sorta gets it-."

"I don't think Venus needs him," Tobias had sharply interrupted him. "He shouldn't have walked away and never come back."

I felt torn during that entire conversation. I didn't want to side with anyone, I didn't want to be mad at anyone. Daine was being sweet to bring me flowers and a celebration card, although it didn't feel so much like a celebration... I felt like Rapunzel, and that was a bad thing.

Daine gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. Emily started to ship us, but I didn't want to hear it. It was too early to be shipped with one of Eric's friends, even though Daine was handsome and sweet. Emily eventually gave up.

ALL THE WRONGS • DIVERGENT ERIC FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now