chapter 65 | the world is falling apart

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MY STOMACH churns. Is Eric waiting out in the factionless or something? No. That is definitely not a move he would make. Not for me, not for anyone. I tilt my head at him, and Tobias shifts nervously beside me. I glance across at him.

"Do you know who it is?" I ask under my breath, completely clueless. If it wasn't Eric, then I could handle it.

Tobias doesn't say anything. He doesn't even nod, or shake his head. He just turns toward the cart door and looks out, leaving me completely clueless.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" I raise my voice a little. "Stop ignoring me, Tobias. It never works with you."

Lucy touches my shoulder gently. "Maybe you should just... wait and see?" She says softly. "There's no point getting worked up about it now. Just relax."

I look back to Tobias, who is still standing and looking out, like he's thinking of the right words to say but he just can't find them. I let out a heavy sigh and turn away from him, to sit against the wall with Aria. She eventually falls asleep, slung across me, and every so often my eyes flicker shut, too.

"You're loosing quite some blood there," Lucy quietly reminds me, pointing to my poorly bandaged calf. "Try to stay awake just in case, okay?"

I grumble under my breath and open my eyes, staring up at the ceiling of the train. Who would want to see me? Who would go to factionless just to see me? Who would know I was even heading there? Who would know what my last name was?

I rub my temples and let out a yawn. Everyone has calmed down in the train cart, except my beating heart, and Tobias's strange behavior.

It seems like hours had passed when we're finally told to get off. We're in the factionless sector when we do, and the factionless lead us down a grimy alleyway. Rats scatter past and Aria clings ever closer to me.

Edward finally stops next to one of the crumbling buildings to force open a door. The windows are so dirty I imagine no light getting through, which is probably the truth. Following Edward inside, I tell Aria to cover her nose. I do the same.

But surprisingly, it isn't as horrible smelling as I thought it would be. In fact, it's pretty cosy for being the home of the factionless. Flickering lanterns light up the room, and people are working and they're together, like a faction. We remove our hands from our noses and look around.

The atmosphere is so relaxed and free, some are telling jokes, others are laughing. Some are eating, others are drinking. But none of them are fighting.

"Come on," Edward beckons, smirking. "She's back here."

She? At least it's not Eric. I don't know many females that would want to see me, except Harmonie... who I have a deep, sinking feeling is working for Erudite.

"What's going on here? Why are you all together like this?" Tris finally asks.

"You thought we were all split up. Believe me, we used to be, but then the Abnegation gave us tools and clothes and we got stronger, and waited. They were like that when I found them, and they welcomed me."

The dark hallways remind me of Dauntless, and even though I hate everything about it sometimes, I'm filled with a beautiful nostalga that makes me just want to return to Dauntless and start again.

Tobias winds a loose threat from the hem of his shirt over and over, over and over in anxiousness. Rage finally builds up inside me.

"That's it." I huff. "What exactly are you hiding from me, Tobias?"

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