chapter 50 | a familiar thank you

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EVERYTHING IS so fragile in Dauntless.

It is like everyone is resting on the edge of a shelf, and we'll all fall if we move... even an inch.

The last two weeks have been incredible. Apart from my mood swings (and crying when I'm out of my favorite craving - Dauntless cake), it has been the happiest two weeks of Dauntless. Better than initiation, at least.

Eric discovered that the best time for visiting me is when Tobias and Emily and Harmonie are working, which gave us about an hour alone time every day.

I enjoyed watching Harmonie dancing like a spastic beneath the cameras, so I can have a laugh when I'm watching the CCTV from the bedroom. And, it works, however embarrassing it is for her. However, I'm not sure she's aware that I've seen her and Daine flirting in the cafeteria. It's pretty cute, though.

Tris has a job as a training instructor, although Max respects her as if she's a leader even though she isn't, just because she came first at the end of Stage Two. Max gives her special jobs that only certain ranks are allowed to do - she's basically working as a leader would, even though she is training the 14-15 year-olds as she waits for the next set of initiates to arrive.

But today is the evening of the war. The war that no one will know about until they are awoken from their state of mind after the bloodshed. And right now, the Dauntless leaders are injecting every Dauntless with the serum, including Emily and Harmonie and even Tris. I won't get injected with it, I have to stay here. After Emily and Harmonie and Tris are injected, they'll come back here for... a party. At least with non-alcoholic drinks and board games, to celebrate the Pre-war faction status.

The door bursts open and I jump up, having fallen asleep and missing the footage on the CCTV. I rub my eyes and walk to the door with a yawn escaping my lips.

"Welcome back!" I grin, walking into the kitchen for a drink of water. Emily follows close behind me.

"Eric sadly won't be coming," She says, but she sounds happy about it. I roll my eyes, apart from being a little disappointed. "I saw him go off with Max, after yelling at Rhett for something probably stupid."

My stomach drops at his name, Rhett. The dickwad that I've hated since I first saw him, the dickwad that eavesdropped on Tobias and Eric talking about me. Does Eric know Rhett heard him? Is that why he yelled at him? I haven't told my brother. I wish I had. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

We drink non-alcoholic drinks from wine glasses, playing a game called Monopoly. After two games, Harmonie tells me she's heading back to her apartment to sleep. I give her a warm hug as she leaves, thanking her for coloring my hair. Then I realize how much of a goodbye it sounds like, but she leaves with a wave before I can say anything.

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