chapter 59 | just to keep you safe

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THE WHITE sunshine was shockingly warm against the young girl's skin, warming the sweet-smelling flowers. Her mother pulled her into her arms, and gave her a relieved hug.

"I love you so much, you know?" She purred. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

The young girl giggled, and hugged her mother. They were both smiling. "I love you, mommy." She replied, and pulled back to meet her mother's eyes. She tucked some of her short hair behind her ears.

"I want to ask you a quwestion," The girl said, and frowned against the sunlight. "My friend has a daddy. Why don't I?"

Immediately, the mother's brows furrowed and she hid her head. In these short years, she knew she'd have to tell her daughter some day. The influence from other children having two parents would some day make her suspicious on why she only had a mother, although she hoped she wouldn't have had to explain so soon...

"You told me he's a Dauntless leader!" She shrilled happily. "I... want to be like him one day!"

Guilt and apprehension bit away at the mother as she thought about the man she had known those years ago. But, something warm and blushy creeped across her, just as hot as the morning sun. She remembered how strong and handsome he was, and intelligent and calm when he wanted to be.

But she also had to remember his worst moments. Like when he shot her.

It was such an unfair game. The mother wanted to see him again, but her friends would tell her what a stupid idea it was. He shot her, putting both her life and their daughters life in danger.

And over time, she finally agreed - it was... unsafe to let him see her, or even know that she was alive.

But she couldn't bare telling her precious daughter how monstrous he could be. It didn't seem fair. One day, she'll see him. And on that day, she can decide for herself.

"Being a Dauntless leader, he had to do some mean things, darling." The young mother struggled. "But he put our lives in danger, and... and I decided it was best to keep you away from him."

There was a silence that dragged out for minutes, before the little girl said: "What if I want to see him?"

Venus swallowed hard, and seemed to hold her little girl tighter. "Then... we'll figure something out."

ALL THE WRONGS • DIVERGENT ERIC FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now