chapter 7 | you already know

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"helping others

helps yourself."



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FOUR LEAVES me at the dormitories, and Emily runs into me. I feel her worry radiating from her in strong, blinding waves.
"Oh, God! Are you okay now?" She frets, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and examining my eyes - but the tears have long gone. "Eric just dropped us off here. You were pretty quick!" She smiles.

At least Eric finished the tour. He didn't run off to develop a plan to kill me. "Ah, that's good..." I mumble.

Emily goes to say something, but a bed creaks behind us and a petite, yet tall, light blonde haired girl stands behind her cot. Her bony fingers rest on the headboard, the light freckles across her cheeks making her brown eyes glow. Her face is full of fear - I wonder why.

"She's frightened of you!" Emily whispers. "And, blood I guess..."

The blonde haired girl adverts her eyes to her shoes, that aren't yet laced, and I feel like this girl can't survive here by herself.

"She won't make it," I state, the obvious rolling off my tongue. Emily slapped my arm, eyes narrowed.

"I'm sure she'll do fine with a bit of help," Emily grunted. I was about to say Dauntless never help anyone, but then I remembered Four in the tunnels and knew that wasn't true.

I choose the bed next to Emily and Beatrice, now Tris. She introduced me to her friend Christina as we get changed into Dauntless uniform. They all cover me as I get changed and I do the same, until we're all dressed.

Christina walks over to the mirror, and I follow her. My eyes stay locked on the ground, staring down the drain as I clench the edge of the sink. Christina knocks my elbow.

"What's the matter?" She asks. I shake my head, pursing my lips.

"We never got to look at our reflections back in Abnegation." I say, and my fingers shake. It's a small lie, and I pale when I realize that Christina was once a Candor. But, then again, there must've been a reason why she left. Maybe she can't tell that I'm lying a little.

Back in Abnegation, on the second day of the third month, the Abnegation are allowed to use mirrors. But even then, that is for a short period of time. For me, I didn't bother using the mirror. Marcus would let me know if I looked okay, and when I say look okay, I mean unbruised. If I didn't look decent enough to leave the house, I wouldn't leave the house. It was as simple as that.

When I finally glance up at myself in the mirror, I pull back, and my mouth drops open a little. A lot can happen to someone in three months, but I haven't looked in a mirror for much longer than that. Some of the Abnegation girls would try to sneak a peek at themselves in whatever glass or reflective surface they could, but not me. That was the Abnegation inside me.

The girl staring back at me is the Dauntless version of myself. My face looks thinner and my cheekbones are high. The paleness in my face hasn't changed, though, as well as the thinness of my dark brown hair. It just about reaches my shoulders, and the ends are curled upwards. I run my fingers through the strands, chewing on my lower lip.

I'm not pretty.

But, then again, I've never been. What did I expect? My eyes are still brown, my face is still as pale as it always was.

Maybe it's my more...feminine features that surprise me more than anything else. I didn't think they changed, not one bit, but in the mirror whilst I'm wearing Dauntless clothes, they look... well, different. I look fuller, curvier, than I expected.

We make our way to the cafeteria, and I find out more about Christina.

"So, you used to be a Candor?" I say, glancing across at her. She nods at me.

"Yep. I've always wanted to be Dauntless. I'm happy to be here."

I nudge Tris. "What about you?"

She stares up at me, raising an eyebrow. "What about you?"

I laugh, shaking my head. "The same reason as Christina."

I wonder if Tris knows I'm Marcus's daughter. She doesn't act like it, which is good, but I'll have to ask her in the future just in case.

We sit down at a reasonably empty table, and I start eating a grilled cheese sandwich. Christina tells Tris what a hamburger is and a listen intently - I'm learning too.

"Typical Abnegation," A boy opposite us says, "You only eat plain food, don't you?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "We used to. We don't anymore."

The boy grins, and holds out his hand for me to shake. I just smile, so he sets down his hand. "I'm Will. Erudite transfer."

"Ahh, Erudite." Christina smirks, "I wondered what textbook you swallowed."

A boy next to Will let out a snort. He introduces himself as Al, and tells me about something I don't really listen to. Four sits down next to Tris, and I'm too busy listening to their conversation than anything else.

"...makes you think you can talk to me?" Four is saying, and Tris stares at him for a moment.

"Must be..." She purses her lips. "Because you're so approachable-"

Emily snorts, and so do I. Tris shuffles a little, although holds Four's stare. It is only when I hear a familiar voice opposite me I snap my head away from their conversation.

Eric smirks at me, and then at Tris, as he drops into the other seat next to Four.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" He says, and immediately Tris breaks her gaze from Four.

"This is Tris and  these are her friends." Four says, not bothering to introduce me, Christina or Emily. He's as tense as pulled wire, and it seems Four and Eric aren't friends. At least, that's what it seems.

"Her friends?" Eric presses, his eyes are intimidating as they flick from Four to me. "Do they have names?"

"I'm pretty sure you already know who I am," I say sharply, my eyes scanning his face.

He scans my face and the section of my torso above the table, before meeting my eyes again. The corner of his lips turn upward, although it isn't a smile - it's a devious smirk. "Of course. The stiff."

[picture below is venus's uniform<3]

[picture below is venus's uniform<3]

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