chapter 5 | alone

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"it hurts a lot

but i keep it to myself

so it doesn't hurt anyone else."



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"NO, YOU'RE not." Eric grunted, tapping the hard ground with his boot. "I'm taking you to the infirmary."

I glared up at him, shaking my head. "I don't need to go there! I'll be fine-"

"Then I'll take you," Four spoke from behind Eric, appearing beside him. He reached his hand out to lead me away but I stepped back, shaking my head again.

"Don't you have a tour to begin, Four?" Eric muttered under his breath, his stance rigid. Four glanced past us at the waiting initiates, who didn't seem patient.

The boy that had jumped after me, Rhett, yelled. "Are we gonna get a move on?" The rest of the initiates murmured in agreement. "We can't wait-"

"That's enough!" Eric snapped, his voice powerfully rising above the others. "Four, take them to the Pit. I'll take the Stiff to the Infirmary."

At that point, I gave up. I knew there was no way to persuade Eric I was fine without blatantly telling him I didn't hurt myself from the train, and I've dealt with worse before. But I wasn't planning on letting him, or the nurses at the infirmary, see my scars. It wasn't happening.

Four locked eyes with me once more before nodding and curling his finger at the other initiates, leading them down a tunnel. Once the platform had cleared, I shifted uncomfortably - aware it was just me and Eric in this dark room.

"They should really turn some lights on down here-"

"Stop complaining." Eric snapped, his arm curling around my waist. I gasped, unaware he had got so close, which only made him grasp me tighter. I wriggled, my eyebrows furrowed, as he led me down a different tunnel that was probably a shortcut to the infirmary or something. After a few moments of silence, Eric spoke up.

"Is your father happy with your decision?"

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to escape him. After failing once, I slumped my shoulders. "Of course he is." I lie. "It's none of your business, anyway."

Eric didn't reply. I stayed silent, trying not to move. It was already awkward, and I didn't want to make it any worse.

"Are the allegations true?" Eric muttered, his fingernails digging into my side to stop me from escaping him. Although as soon as the words escaped his lips I squirmed, trying to shove him away. He grabbed me, almost too tightly, shoved my back against the wall. His body pressed against mine and I let out a shriek; my whole body was on fire. The blood rushed to my face and my legs went numb. Eric's hand covered my mouth, silencing my screams, and I wondered if it was my time to die.

"Shut the fuck up and tell me," He growled, and nostalgia flooded back to me in waves. The day of my aptitude test, when Marcus demanded me tell him my results. It was a bad day.

When he moved his hand, I gave him a hostile glare from beneath my lashes. "I don't have to tell you shit! Let me go, you fucking psychopath!"

Before I could swallow, he grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into him once before slamming me back against the tunnel wall. I let out a shrill bawl as Eric leaned in, his eyes gleaming.

"Oh, this'll be fun-"

"F-Fine, I'll te-!" I start to squeak before I heard rapid footsteps rebounding from the tunnel walls, and I knew someone had come to save me. I stayed silent, my body trembling, as the footsteps got louder and closer, until-

"Eric! What are you doing?"

A bit of a filler chapter really, but I can't wait to get into the real storyline! Please don't be invisible - comment and vote, it really inspires me!<3 Thank you for reading so far!!

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