chapter 46 | gods (SMUT)

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(smut in this chapter, not too much but just a warning x)

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(smut in this chapter, not too much but just a warning x)


SITTING ON his couch with my eyes glued to the door for three hours isn't the greatest way to spend three hours. I could've read a book, or explored Eric's house like a snoop but I couldn't think about anything else but the possibility that Max, or some other Dauntless leader) could burst through that door and start shooting at me.

What about when this is done? By now, the news has gotten round to Tobias, and perhaps Emily... They think I'm dead, so I can't just go jumping around the compound. I can't be a member in general, if I'm meant to be dead.

The only option is for me to leave. Become Factionless, the one thing I never wanted to do in the first place. My head starts to pound.

There is no way out of this.

I have, with help, faked my death toward a whole faction. A whole society. I am the girl who was rightly accused of being a Divergent in the final test, and hid up in a Dauntless leader's apartment - with his permission.

Do I have to pretend to be dead for my entire life? Even when I'm Factionless, and I'm searching the streets for any scraps of food and a Dauntless patrol turns up and I see Emily and Tris and everyone else, making sure the Factionless are in order. Emily probably looking for me, in the possibility that I am still alive. And I'd turn away from them, not wanting them to see me because I wouldn't be allowed back anyway and they'd have to leave me again. I'd avoided death for now, but it'll catch up with me eventually.

The door swings open, and suddenly I'm on full alert - my fists clenching, rushing to my feet if I ever have to defend myself against-

Eric stands at the door, and I want to spill so many questions at him, but I hold my tongue. "Hopefully your friends don't organize a riot to take me down."

"Wouldn't work." I manage to say, sitting back down.

"I was joking." He says placidly, and flashes me a glimpse of a smile. My cheeks flush with nervous blush, and I stutter, "Yeah, I... I knew that."

"Of course you did," He replies, and walks through to the kitchen. "Want anything to drink?"

"Water, please." I call back and watch the door again with unmoving eyes. Only when I see Eric walking over in the corner of my eye, I politely stand and take the glass of water from his hand. Accidently, my hand brushes against his, and I meet his eyes with timid laughter.

"Thank you." I say. "So, do my friends think I'm dead?" I stay standing, trying to sound humorous. It doesn't completely work.

"I announced your 'death' in front of everyone, but I managed to tell Four the truth before he did something stupid."

"Will he tell Emily?" I think out-loud, taking another sip of water. I place it on the glass table in front of the couch.

"I told him to keep his mouth shut, but he'll spill something to someone," Eric grumbles. "Let's hope he doesn't put you in danger."

I let out a sigh. "What about my future? What do I do for the rest of my life?" It feels like a huge darkness is pushing me further toward an unforgiving, helpless torrent. "I can't stay in Dauntless, I can't hide out in any other faction because I'd probably get found and I sure as hell aren't going to live with the Factionless!"

"We'll figure it out," Eric replies, and my eyes lock with his. We. We'll figure this out.

And before I know it, his lips are pressed to mine. The sensation erupts a swarm of butterflies in the pit of my stomach, a tingling feeling that affects my entire body. I somehow am no longer the weak Abnegation Venus, or the down-spiraling Dauntless Venus - I am this new person, this weirdly confident, beautiful person...

It feels like the darkness is lifting from my shoulders. My knees are weak and my cheeks are flushed, our lips move in sync and it feels amazing as my fingertips run through his hair.

He backs toward the bedroom, and I gasp in between the kiss as he pulls me closer towards the bed. I tumble against the sheets, probably as red as a tomato, Eric yanks my tank top over my head, and I tilt my head for him to against my neck, and against every moon phase of my tattoo.

I let a small moan slip.

Back in Abnegation, when I was a child, never did I imagine transferring to Dauntless. And even when I arrived at Dauntless, never did I imagine falling for the ruthless Dauntless leader.


Most things that fall, they break. But I am not ceramic, I am not fragile.

His lips brush mine again, teasing but hot, gentle but demanding. Then he knocks the air from my lungs, pressing his tongue against the join of my lips.

I grant access and squeeze my eyes shut, arms tangling around his strong neck, running down the sides of his block tattoos, this fountain of ecstasy building in my stomach and exploding from my lips.

Stupid me- struggling to breathe as our lips work against each other- but at that moment, I would happily go as long as I could without air than break from this long-awaited desire.

Eric's hand reaches for my face, fingertips tracing beneath my hair, gently pushing the hair away for better access, although I hardly recall it, too focused on the warmth of his lips, the warmth of his body against mine. His lips trail away once again, trail from my lips to my jawline to my neck and even further down.

Like I also struggle to recall his large hand reaching, sharply pulling down and tearing the fabric of my bra until I'm suddenly, and unexpectedly, exposed. The sharp ripping sound of my bra breaks me from the haze of the moment, and I try to sit up whilst shielding my chest.

Eric takes no notice - continuing to leave kisses and bites against the sensitive spots, and my breathing hardens.

"Wait, wait-" I gasp, although my mind and my heart keep telling me to stop protesting. Obviously Eric's opinion, as well.

"Venus," He mutters, and my name has never been so beautiful, so strong, so Dauntless. It nearly knocks down the last of my resistance.

Then, I realize: I don't want this to stop. Not now, not ever.

His lips find mine again. "Have you locked the door?" I manage out against his lips, although it is the last thing on my mind. Would be pretty hilarious, and hugely embarrassing, for Max to walk in finding his peer with a girl that should be dead.

A grin curves Eric's lips.

I know this night will have consequences.

But right now, I don't care.

[yESSSS! finally some smut! ya'll have waited 46 chapters for a veric smut scene, I hope this is enough ?? i didn't want to go too far lol, you should sorta know what happens next (whoopsies winkwinkkkk) and fyi i'm super sorry if this isn't good enough, or not enough lol, i'm not good at smut neither do i want to write too thoroughly about it haha. hope you enjoyed this, it will be wrapping up soon ?? in my world, soon means another 20-30 chapters so stay tuned ;)]

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