chapter 29 | six feet under

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"I CAN'T believe you did it!" Harmonie basically screams, bouncing up and down. We're walking toward the train tracks, waiting to jump onto the next train that arrives. "We did it!"

"We fucking won, bitches!" I pump my fists in my air, and Harmonie yells in agreement. Emily jogs up to us, placing a hand on my shoulder.

She grins. "Who wants Dauntless cake when we get back?" Her eyebrows wriggle, and I'm about to reply when someone shoots in front of us.

"Dauntless cake?" He says, and I recognize him from earlier. It's Uriah, and I smile at him.

"Well, I'm getting the biggest bit-" I say, and he falls into pace with us before nudging my shoulder.

"Really? I don't think so!"

"Just wait!"

The train approaches us, and we jump on - Uriah, followed by Emily, Harmonie and then me. Once we're inside, we joke for a little longer about Dauntless cake and then our conversation turns into guesses relating what Stage Two will be about.

"It won't be anything physical," Harmonie says, before smirking. "At least, I hope not."

"Dauntless is about being fearless," Uriah shrugs. "It's probably something to do with getting over your fears."

"I don't think I'll ever stop fearing spiders!" Emily says with a shiver, and Uriah tells her there's one on her shoulder and she leaps to her feet with a screech.

When we settle back down, Uriah tells us about the small party occasion that'll be held in the Pit tomorrow night.

"Because Stage One is over, everyone that's gotten through will be celebrating in the hall." He shakes his head. "I mean, we should go, but instead of dancing near the chasm, we could play Candor or Dauntless!"

"Candor or Dauntless?" Harmonie tilts her head, although Uriah just grins.

"You'll see." He says, and somehow the conversation turns back into Dauntless cake.


When we approach the Dauntless compound, everyone begins to jump off. We're not at the rooftops, we're at the back entrance to Dauntless, the entrance me and Tris escaped from earlier. Everyone decided to jump prematurely, so the walk back to the compound will take a few minutes. I need the walk though, so I'm not stuck in a small space, thinking the same thoughts.

What if Peter dies?

No. I don't care anyway.

I reduce my pace so I'm walking slightly behind Emily and Harmonie and Uriah, glancing up at the starless sky. It's probably something like midnight, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's later.

The throb from the gunshots have long gone now, but the aching from the fights earlier remains. I inhale sharply, just as someone tightly grabs my arm and drags me behind a small brick-like building.

I feel obliged to scream, but only a yelp escapes my lips. I am slammed into the brick, once, twice, until I'm met with raging grey eyes.

"I told you not to use the gun!" Eric barks, his jaw clenched. I stare up at him in fear as he rattles my arm, and pain jolts through me. "Say something!"

"Stop...Stop it!" I cry, meeting his eyes for a moment. "You're hurting me!"

Eric's expression changes, concern flashes in his eyes although his grip doesn't lessen. I don't bother making a move, I just stay where I am.

"Why," With every word, his voice raises. "did you use the gun?"

"I'm sorry!" I shriek, trying to pull my arm away. "Tris... Tris told me she thought Peter stabbed Edward, and...and-"

"And you decided to shoot him?" Eric snarls, "Just because a stupid stiff thought she saw something happen?"

"But I believe her!" I protest. "And...and you told me not to kill anyone - I didn't kill anyone-"

"I've had enough of your shit." He snaps, and yanks me off the wall. His hand goes behind my back, at first I think he's doing something else but then he snatches the gun from my back pocket. My back hits the wall again and I glare at my boots.

"Look at me." He demands, and I reluctantly meet his eyes. He is blurred by my tears but I can still see him, I can still sense the anger. "Stop crying."

"Stop telling me what to do!" I hiss, and shove him backward. Rage flashes in his eyes and his jaw clenches. I cower as the back of his hand hits my cheek, the force making me stumble backward until the brick wall catches me.

"You will follow my rules, Venus." He says sharply, and my shoulders tremble. "Stop crying."

I hold my breath as he continues to glare at me, before shoving past me to head back to the compound. As soon as he leaves, I let out a sob and slide down the wall, burying my face in my hands.

I've just witnessed a different side of the Dauntless leader.


Minutes pass until I finally get to my feet, allowing the stinging on my cheek to subside. Once it's nothing but a dull ache, I step out from behind the building. There is no one there, there is no one around and I feel like the only person in this stupid world.

I walk as quick as I can toward the compound, opening the door and slipping inside. The metal stairs creak as I run down them, turning a corner toward the dormitories. 

Everything is quiet, and I pass the blue lights at every interval, camera after camera. I don't stop at the water fountain, I definitely don't stop at the chasm. I keep going until I reach the dormitories, opening the door and sneaking inside.

Tomorrow, I will see the final rankings for Stage One. If I'm below the red line, I am officially out.

I am no longer sure of my future.

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