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Peridot POV.

There he is again. I watch as jasper pulls him into a playful noogie, both laughing before he pulls out of the hold and punches jasper in the arm.

I was just peeking from my locker from down the hallway, from afar.

Always from afar.

I had crushed on him for years. Since he transferred in 2nd grade. And now, he didn't even know I existed. No one did. I was just there.

I sigh and close my locker, adjusting my backpack and turning away. I walked through the school doors and out to the practice field, climbing up to where the announcers usually are during games. I sit cross legged just below the box, where I have a view of the entire stadium.

This was where I came everyday after school. To watch HIM.

It was pointless, but I couldn't help it.

I take out my sketchpad, and doodle a bit, until i hear the whistle. I look up to see football players stream onto the field.

26...26... ah! He jogs onto field, getting in line with the others, as Coach Huff begins shouting drills they will be doing.

I just watch him warm up for a minute, stretching in his tight shirt...

I shake my head, blushing a bit and gulping. Ok... stop being gay... geez.

I sketch a rough stick figure, before begginging to add mote detail. I smile as it slowly comes together into a running, player 26.

It was for art. Another half lie I told myself. Doing this helped me, sure, but it was an excuse to just watch him. And draw him.

After maybe an hour of practice, I had 2 more sketches, and deemed it enough. I set the sketchpad down and scooted forward a bit to watch their break time. Lapis went over to the cheerleaders, grabbing a water bottle.

I frowned a bit as perscilla, a cheerleader, jumped up and grabbed his arm, no doubt flirting with him.

I clenched my fist up in jealousy as i watched. Lapis didn't push her away, taking sips from his bottle. He gave her a small smile...

I looked down. What am I even doing? I sigh and sling my bag over my shoulder, grabbing my drawings and slipping them loosely into my folder.

I hopped down from my hideaway and made my way sneakily out of the stadium and out to the parking lot. I stopped for a second to look at lapis's dark blue truck, but sighed and contenued.

Little did I know that a single sketch had fallen out of my folder, and onto the ground.


Lapis POV.

I internally groaned as Perscilla flirted with me while I took a break. She was pretty, and popular, but God was she annoying.

"So are you coming lappy? It'll be us, jasper and his girlfriend. Please?" She batted her eyes at me, and I gave a small smile.

"Sorry, I can't. I have... homework." I pulled my arm gently away. "And I should get back to practice before coach yells at me."

She frowned. "You always say you're busy. C'mon, you cant have THAT much homework... I could even help you~"

I gulped and gave a nervous smile. "I'm good... thanks though." I walked away quickly before she could beg me anymore.


After another hour of practice, Coach let us free, and I ran straight to my truck, removing my gear and putting it in the back.

I sighed and leaned up against it for a second, looking up at the sky for a second. It was nice and clear. I turned to hop in, but I paused.

I spotted a peice of paper out of the corner of my eye. I turned toward it and walked over.

I picked it up and blinked. This is...

A drawing of me? It had my uniform number, and was a very detailed sketch of me in pushup position.

I looked at the bottom corner, seeing a strange symbol. Is that a signature?

Who drew this?

[This is new story.

What do you guys think? :)]

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