Game day Part 2

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[Warning: some sad junk. And some blind ass lapis who can't see boyfriend material apparently.]

Lapis POV.

I felt so good to tell peri... but after that he was a little more quiet. He would still smile, but he seemed... off?

I kept doubting if he was really as okay with it as he seemed.

I shake my head as i put everything in my locker. This had bugged me all the way through to 7th, and the final bell was about 5 minutes from ringing.

I maneged to get out early because my Agri teacher didn't mind, since apparently he had a prtry stong hatred for the Hornets as well.

Maybe I was over thinking it... Peri was always reserved...

Though I couldn't say for sure that he would tell me if something bugged him. Which brought me the thought that if he wasn't okay, I was glad he had the ability to hide it from me. Perhaps to save my feelings?

I rubbed my face, sighing a bit as I made my way towards the locker rooms. The game wasn't for a solid 2 hours after the final bell, and the locker room would certainly be empity for at least another 45 minutes of that.

I slowed a bit, passing the library. I knew Peri had a free period... but he wasn't there.

My worries grew bigger. But maybe he didn't spend EVERY day in the library... maybe he went home to get ready for the Game?

I took in a few deep breaths. Calm down. Stop over thinking. Head in the game...

I forced my self to go over plays in my head as a distraction, as I contenued my way to the field.

When in the locker room, I grabbed my bag and changed into my athletic shorts and my muscle shirt that would go under my uniform.

(P.s. I'm by no means a football expert I just know what I learned from filming games, and maybe a little research because I try to be accurate)

I stretched a bit, then warmed up with two laps around the field. I planned to do maybe some pushups, but instead I glanced up at the Hidaway.

I was surprised to see a figure there. It seemed smaller, but it also seemed to be sitting, verses the last time I saw it when it was crouching.

I pretended to keep going like I hadn't seen, but my curiosity was killing me. After 2 20 pushup sets, I looked up.

The figure was gone. I moved and sat on the bleachers, just staring at the spot.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate, which made me jump. I chuckled a bit at my self as i checked it.

A text from Peri.

Peri POV.

The whole thing was stupid, really. Of course. I was his friend.

It was stupid and ignorant to think he would see me any other way. Hell he didn't know I existed till tuesday...

How can a week feel so long? So painful, yet have been the best 3 days of my life?

I ruffled my hair a bit. I couldn't even focus on my stupid homework.

I finally gave up, shoving it back into my backpack. It was close to the seventh bell anyway. I waved to the librarian, before pushing the door open and leaving.

I found myself at the stadium. And for no particular reason, I made my way to my spot. I pushed my bag in before crawling in, and sitting.

As I moved my foot, I heard paper wrinkling, and I saw a note.

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