Answers P2

567 26 9

Ha. Short sweet chappy before  heartbreak HAHAHAHAHA

*cries in corner*

Forgive me for what the end of this book is...

Lapis POV.

His face looked full of guilt, so it was pretty obvious he felt bad, which made me feel a little better about whatever happened.

But now I was nervous because I still didn't know WHY. Or if he planned to explain it.

I somehow maneged to pay attention, but as soon as the bell rang I glanced back at Peri, who was pushing a book into his bag.

I waited, and he looked a little relieved I hadn't left.

"Lapis... I sorry."

"It's okay, peri... just... you scared me more than anything. Did I say something? Be honest with me."

He stayed silent for a second, then looked back up. "I promise ill explain. Ok? Just... later. Meet me at my spot after school?"

I nodded, but was a little sad. We didn't have any other classes together. I watched him walk toward the English hall, while I turned to head to science.


C'mon cmon cmon cmon cmooooon.

Why is the last class always the longest? I needed to see peridot before I lost my mind.

Finally it rang, but before I coud rush out my teacher called my name to stop me.

"Stay just a second longer, Mr. Laker. I need a word with you."

I felt like letting out the LOUDEST groan in all of the history of groans, but I managed to just give a small sigh and walk back over to Mr. Lincolns desk.

"Yes sir?"

"I just wanted to say you seemed quite distant today. Is something wrong? I don't need you dropping your grade any."

"I'm sorry sir. I promise I was paying attention. And I'll study. I just had a bit of a... personal issue. I'm trying to fix it."

He nodded. "Well, alright. Good luck."

I took off out of the room, making my way towards the football field, and to peri.

I slowed and walked up the stairs normally. And smiled when I saw his backpack just outside the platform. I set mine next to his and crawled in, finding him hugging his knees.

"Peri?" I sat next to him criss crossed, and layed my hand on his knee.

He turned and smiled. "It wasn't your fault. This morning. I... it's just hard for me..."

I scooted a bit closer. "What's going on? Not that... not that you have to tell me... just..."

Peri surprising leaned his head onto my should, and took a deep breath. "He never came back..."

I blinked, a bit confused, but Peri seemed to shrivel a bit more, so I moved to wrap my arm around him.

"He was always traveling to some... GRANDE place... bringing back gifts and stories for me and my sister..." I saw him tug at his sleeve.

"But... one trip he never came back from. No explanation, no letter, it destroyed us. Me, my mom, and my sister, no matter how hard she tries to hide it."

I realized.

"Your... dad..."

He let out a small sigh, as if relieved he didn't have to say it.

"Peri... I'm so sorry... it wasn't your fault..."

"It's hard to tell myself that and believe it. And I know my mom feels the same. She said they had a fight the night he left... but it wasn't over anything big... some hospital thing."

I moved my other hand to grip his, and he relaxed more into me.

"The last time I really saw him was when he taught me runes. And..." he voice shook a bit, and he lifted his head to pull down his sleeve, revealing a bracelet. "I never took it off."

It was a symbol, yes. It was diffrent from the one on the drawing though.

"He gave it to you?"

Peri nodded, rubbing it a bit before pulling his sleeve back down.

"Just... this morning... I had almost forgotten how much it hurt to think about him being gone. I freaked out... I'm sorry."

I could see tears on his cheeks and I wiped them off before wrapping my arms around him. "Its okay, peri... I still love you. I'm so sorry he's gone..."

I felt him sniffle, but lean into my embrace and tuck his head under my chin.

"I love you too."

Our sweet gay baby bois.

*squishes cheeks*

So cute.

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