The End?

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I know you guys have been patiently waiting, and I'm sorry for the delay XD

I went on vacation and had a blast and on the way home I wrote the majority of this.

Keep in mind that there will be a sequel (with sin heh)

I also will begin posting chapters of my new book "Moon Eyes" tomarrow with weekly updates.

Okay enjoy these feels:

[3 months later]

Peridot POV.


I groaned, rolling out of bed and opening my door. "Yeah?"

"Lapis is here! And also some mail for you."

I smile and quickly throw on a shirt, then make my way downstairs to see lapis leaning against the doorway and talking to my mom.

"...schools almost out. Are you guys thinking of going anywhere on vacation?" He was smiling.

"Well, not really. But that is a good idea. What about you?" I crossed my arms while smiling back at him.

"My parents are, but I was just going to spend some time with my grandparents."

My mom moved from her seat to point her hand at me with some mail. "I didn't open it, but your names on the front of them."

There were some small letters, then 2 yellow packets. "Huh." I took them and thanked her. "Me and lapis are going up to my room."

I turned and walked back upstairs, lapis following.

"Alright, but nothing more than homework!"

I blushed. "MOM!"

Lapis snickered and covered his mouth as we finally made my way to my room.

I narrowed my eyes at lapis as he closed the door. "How dare you snicker." I crossed my arms.

He laughed again. "Sorry, but cmon... It's a little funny."

"Not really."

"Peri..." he stepped closer and put his hands on my cheeks. " Its a little funny." He smiled goofily as my face heated up again.

I ended up laughing a bit and he smiled wider and leaned in, kissing my forehead then moving and plopping onto the bed. "So what's with the mail? Not trying to be nosy... just... curious."

I shrugged. "I'm not sure." I set them down on my desk and looked at the labels.

"Oh. Oh my god." I smiled a but and looked at the rest.

"What, is something wrong?" Lapis walked over and looked at them over my shoulder.

I turned and wiggled in my chair while smiling like a creep, and he raised a brow. "They replied! All of them!"

"Wah who now?"

"All the collages I applied too."

He placed his hands on my shoulders and made me stop wiggling in excitement. "Well open them dumb dumb." We both laughed and I turned back around.

"How many schools did you even apply too...?" He was kindof amazed.

"8. But I'm hoping for top five." I ignored the yellow packets because they were 90% gaurentee to be acceptance letters. I'd rather end with the best.

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