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Lapis POV

"Looks like someone's got the hots for Mr. Hotshot over here~" jasper snickered as he plopped down next to me.

"Whatever. Maybe it's just a coincidence it has my jersey number. Besides it's just a drawing." I set it down. I had looked it over for hours. It was beuatiful. The sketch in itself was quite neat, I suppose it was a little vain for me to say it was the best.

Jasper rolled his eyes. "Well if you thought it was nothing you would've left it at home. What's the plan?"

I smiled toward him. "To find out who drew it. Duh. Do you know anyone who does this?" I pointed to the small symbol, assuming it was really a signature.

He shook his head. "No... maybe ask one of the art kids." He leaned back, looking toward the back of the classroom. "Hey Amy!" A short girl with dyed hair turned, popping a bubble of gum in her mouth

"What do you want?" She said, frowning a bit. Jasper waved her over. "CMERE runt!"

She rolled her eyes and stood, hopping down. "I'll say it again, WHAT?" She frowned harder. I lifted the paper, showing her the symbol.

"Does this look familier? I think it's like a signature." She leaned closer to look, but shook her head.

"Sorry, never seen that before. Why? Did you get a love letter?" She snickered, raising one brow.

"Not excactly... thanks anyway." I sighed, laying my head in my hands. I wasn't done looking, but amy was the popular art kid. If anyone would've known such a strange signature, it would've been her.

She shrugged and hopped back up to where she was sitting. The bell rang and someone just barely made it, huffing a bit. I didn't pay attention, as they made their way up to the back of the room.


Peridot POV.

1st period. Almost late. Great start to my day. I huffed, jogging up the small set of stairs to my usual seat in the back, when I noticed something.

I stopped for a second, staring out of the corner of my eye, toward lapis. But I was more interested in the paper he had in his hands.

Is that... oh no...

One of my drawings!? How did he get It? I made my way to my seat before the teacher walked in, and got a better look.

Yep. Definitely one of mine. It had my stamp. And it was lapis in uniform doing pushups.

I blushed, but I hid my face. I flipped open my folder and saw I was missing one of the ones I did yesterday. "Seriosly?" I whisper yelled, closing it.

It was bad enough for me to have probably dropped it somsomewhere, but of all people to find it... at least no one knew I was ever at the stadium, or my stamp, or my GIGANTIC crush on lapis.

He slipped it into his binder, as he sat up to pay attention to the teacher.

[Timeskip to lunch]

I ate quickly, keeping an eye on lapis. I had to get that sketch back. Lapis was talking to jasper, who nodded, and they both got up.

I waited until they were just to the door before dumping my tray, grabbing my bag, and following.

I stopped at the corner just near his locker, listening.

"I don't understand how you expect to find this person. Or why, for that matter."

"Says the person who said that whoever drew this OBVIOSLY has a crush on me. Getting scared?"

"Of WHAT? No. I'm just saying, this is kinda stupid. I meant what I said earlier, but I never said you should find it."

I felt my heart start to beat faster. Lapis wants to know. He's determined to find out.

"Well I don't know! I'll start asking around. I'm sure to find out eventually!" I heard a locker slam.

"Jeez L, calm down. You do you man, in out." I panicked and backed away into the nearest bathroom, hearing jaspers heavy footsteps pass.

I walked out, seeing jasper push his way back into the lunch room. I let out a breath and turned, slamming into something and falling down

"Oww..." I looked up. But froze.

Lapis smiled and reached out his hand. "Sorry man. Didn't see you. My bad." I stayed frozen for a sec before nervousltly smiling back and gently taking his hand.

He helped me up, then picked up my folder, which I had dropped, and handed it to me. "You know... I don't think I've ever met you... what's your name?" He tilted his head as my heart pumped faster and my cheeks grew red

"Oh.. uh.. peridot... I've been here as long as you..." I was completely flustered. Why did I have to be so utterly gay for him?

He huffed a laugh. "Well, peridot, it's nice to actually meet you. I have to go... see you later!" He walked past me, patting my shoulder, and I listened to his footsteps fade off into the distance.

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and hugged my folder to my chest as i made my way to the robotics room.

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