Answers P1

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[Our bois confessed now what's gon happen hmmmm?]

Lapis POV.

I yawned while stretching and sitting up. I hated mornings. I just wanted to sleep. I felt exhausted...

But God was I happy. I still had a stupid grin on my face as i made my way downstairs for a quick breakfast. Maybe if I got to school early enough I could find peridot at the libr-

"Lapis? Honey are you feeling okay?"

I looked up to see my mom looking at me strangely. Which I guess is a normal reaction to me eating faster than normal. (Not that i was scarfing down my food like a pig...)

"Oh... yeah I just need to get to school a bit earlier because..." yeah this is not the time to tell them about my boyfriend.

"Because I need to talk to coach about the championship game coming up... I had a few questions."

Ok how am I lying so easily?

"Oh, well don't choke on anything hun. Have a nice day." She gave me a smile before taking her coffee into the living room to sip on it and watch Tv with my dad and little brother.

I finished my eggs and put my plate in the sink, grabbed my backpack and headed out to my truck.

"One day, lapis. One day..." it was my family I worried most about telling. Every time I tried to suddelly bring up that topic it seemed like my parents changed the subject.

But right now I just wanted to see Peri.


I peeked into the library through the window and smiled when I saw the familier blonde looking at some paper and drawing something.

I went in, but made sure to stay queit. I wanted to see what he was drawing...

I looked over his shoulder, which was easy since he had earbuds in, and he was... writing?

It was a page full of... weird letters. Some I recognized, because they were part of the symbol that Peri put on his drawing.

I tapped his shoulder and he jumped, his pencil flying out of his hand as he quickly turned around. He made a weird squeaky, yelp sound.

He sighed and rubbed his face before popping his earbuds out. "Did you really have to scare me?"

I picked up his pencil and set on the table, smiling. "Sorry. Also... what was that noise? It was... so adorable."

Of course he blushed a bit, but he closed his eyes and frowned like he was mad. "S-shutup."

I laughed and sat down, laying my hand on his shoulder. "Don't be mad..."

He opened his eyes and looked back at me. "What? No i... I wasnt..." he sighed, then chuckled a bit. "Sorry. I didn't mean to look mad. Just... Maybe walk in front of me next time?"

I nodded. "Yeah." It was a bit quiet after that, but thankfully Peri was the first to break it.

"Thanks... for yesterday... I'm... im uh..." his face was still a bit red, and I could tell he was trying not to smile. "I'm happy you feel the same."

I smiled warmly and moved my hand under the table and onto his. "Me too. But... and... Look it's just... I didn't really want to tell anyone..."

He turned back, tilting his head. "Who would I tell anyways?" He giggled a bit. "You're pretty much the only person that talks to me beside the people who bully me."

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