No more Girls?

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Lapis POV.

Regretfully a patted Peri's dog pumpkin on the head, and waved as i made my way back home.

Slightly dissapointed but... I was surprised how ready peridot was for me to hate him. Be mad at him... it made me ache.

I wasn't going to hate him. He was a cool guy. Nice, and shy, and definitely a nerd. But what was wrong with that?

I felt a smile creep onto my face. Something about how nervous he acted all the time. It was kinda funny.

I finally saw my house come into view, and I picked up my pace to a jog, hopping the small fence and walking up to the front door. As I opened it I heard talking, and internally groaned.

"Lapis! Honey one of your friends is here!" I could already tell who it was. I forced a small smile and turned the corner, seeing a familier blonde sitting there with a smile on her own face.

"Hey lapis." She set her head on her hands, sneaking a wink at me while my mom put what I assumed to be two teacups into the sink.

"Hey... perscilla..." I felt my happy mood fade instantly. I hated being that way but honestly she was obsessed with me and being WITH me.

And it didn't help that she lived just down the street, or that our mothers were friends, or that she had pretty mumuc fooled every adult into thinking she could do no wrong.

She stood up. "I'm gonna help lapis with his homework, miss Laker. If that's alright?" I felt sick to my stomach at her proper words, and my mom turned, smiling

"Of course. If you want you can stay for dinner." She turned back, and perscilla gripped my wrist and led me upstairs as i prepared my usual speech.

She led me to my room, and I closed the door, her turning around. "C'mon lappy. Don't be maaad. You said you wanted help with homewo-"

"I did not. I specificly told you I didnt. And yet here you are again... WHY do you do this? I don't need help, ok?" I sighed and sat at my desk, twirling around a few times to try and make myself slightly dizzy.

"I just thought since you were busy this weekend we could hangout today... WHY are you so mean?" I stopped, facing her. She stood straight, her ams folded loosely and a small frown on her face.

"Why do you always follow me? Are you THAT obsessed with me?" She seemed taken aback.

"I... I just..." I stood, stepping closer with a blank expression.

"Look, perscilla. I'm sorry but I don't like you. Not even as a friend, really. So just please... stop?" I gave a heavy sigh, then rubbed my face.

She clenched a fist, then swallowed. "F-fine. But know that not one single girl from school will want you after I'm done. Consider yourself ruined, Lapis Laker." She spun, opening my door and closing it, and i heard her dainty footsteps go down the stairs.

Not a single girl... I sat down. It wouldn't matter except... what if the drawing was by a girl?

God why did I care? What was I doing...

I... I had to know.


The next day at school I found another letter in my locker. I glanced around and slipped it into my bag, grabbed everything else I would need, then headed to the football field.

I sat a few rows up, just so no one could read my note, and opened it.

Dear Lapis,

I appreciate the offer... But really, it doesn't matter who I am. WHY are you so curios?

If you want to know... yes. I'll admit it. I drew the picture because I have a crush on you. But it doesn't matter.

Please return the drawing. I'll stop watching you... and yes I know how creepy it sounds... I'm sorry. And I'll stop drawing you.


The symbol was there, and I felt myself sigh again. and but my lip. I took out a paper, and wrote another note.

Dear Mystery,

Why would you do that? Do you think I wouldn't like you back? I don't know you, but I WANT to. Is that so bad?

I'm not returning the drawing until I meet you. And I think you have a great talent for drawing. I'm even a bit flattered that you chose to draw ME.

I have a few questions which I suppose it is up to you if you answer or not.

1. How long have you had a crush on me?
2. Did you take lessons or did you learn to draw yourself?
3. How old are you? Or what year are you?


I folded my letter, and couldn't help but glance up at the watch post. No one was there, and I smiled. I quickly grabbed my stuff, and the nearest rock, and made my way quickly over to the spot.

I set the note under the rock, and noticed my small note was still there. I smiled as i saw a small heart under it, done in the same pen.

I patted the rock, then made my way to class.

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