Game Day Part 1

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Lapis POV.

"Please?" I shot him my best puppy dog eyes, which he turned and growled too, closing his locker.

"Lapis sports aren't my thing..." he was blushing a bit, which by now seemed pretty normal.

"Well you won't be playing! Cmon, come watch me kick those preppy upper class jocks from Holston..." I had been looking forward to this game, but in all honesty I had nearly forgotten with everything going on.

I made a more serious face. "Peri, Please? I gotta have someone cheering for me..." he turned back to me, and I gave him another smile.

He raised a brow. "Wouldn't you have tons of girls doing that for you?" He paused a second "Like perscilla...." his voice faded off, and he turned, beginning to walk off.

I trotted after him, stopping at his pace to keep up. "Yeah... No. She hates my guts. And has convinced all her friends I'm a douschebag." I gave a frown.

He turned, surprised. "I thought she had a crush on you?" I rolled my eyes.

"She DID. Or... probably still does. But I told her I'm not interested. So... Please come?" I gave a small hopeful smile.

He stared blankly for a minute, then looked down, mumbling. "Okay..." I smiled wider a gave him a small side hug.

"Thanks. I'll see you at lunch then? I wasn't gonna eat today. Meet in the library?" He was still looking slightly down but nodded.

I patted his shoulder then turned, heading down a diffrent hallway to my English class. I maneged to step in just before the bell rang.

My teacher looked up, giving an amused smile. "Cutting it close there, Mr. Laker. Don't let your girlfriend make you late." A few kids laughed, while I blushed a bit.

I knew it would be pointless to argue, so I just made my way to my seat, noticing perscilla had switched seats to across the room. She was giving me a angry side glare.

I just sat down, opening my backpack and grabbing my notebook as the teacher began to speak.

It was a review lecture day, so I just spaced out, chewing my inner lip while mindlessly scribbling. He call on a few people, but luckily I maneged to avoid that.

Not that I wouldn't have known the answer, but I didn't really want to answer. My mind went toward the game.

Last time we faced the Holsten Hornets I was sick, and we got our butts handed to us. I didn't want that to happen again. I felt like I let my team down... even if it wasn't my fault.

But I was glad Peri had agreed to come. Most of my friends were already on the football team, and the others had turned their back on me thanks to perscilla... But Peri was still there.

I heard the bell ring and I blinked, hearing the teacher yell out bookwork for makeup of grades. I grabbed my bag.

Did I really space out that long?


Peridot POV

Gosh... darnet...

I turned away from his adorable ass puppy face, trying to not fall for it.

"Lapis sports aren't my thing..." I could feel my face heat up once again, though lapis never seemed to notice... that or he didn't care.

"Well you won't be playing! Cmon, come watch me kick those preppy upper class jocks from Holston..." Holston. Yeah. They were dicks.

"Peri, Please? I gotta have someone cheering for me..." I maneged to look back at him, as I raised a brow.

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