Mr. Nice Fry

825 35 44

Lapis POV.

I felt content knowing that not only had I learned a bit more about Peridot, but he was also helping me out. This was a step in a good direction, and it was a plus I met a friend.

I took out my phone and earbuds as i made my way to the football field. There was no practice today, but I always ran after school if there wasn't.

I popped my earbuds in and stretched, rolling my shoulders as i started with a light jog. I let a smile escape me when "blame" came on. I mouthed the words and hopped my head as i sped up a little.

There goes my luck,
There goes my pride...

There goes every-thing that I've been working for all of my life...

There goes that dream,
Ah so it seeeems.

There goes the days and night,
The waking fight,
And thoughts of loooosing.

I let a happy sigh out and was now in a steady run, as I turned for the bend and-

What the heck? I paused, looking upwards.

Is that... a person?

I could see a perfectly shadow of someone, sittting just below the announcer box. I stopped completely, taking out my earbuds.

"Hello?" For some reason I felt my heartbeat quicken. I took a few steps toward the box, seeing the person shift slightly.

The thought ran through my head... This could be my mystery person.

I just stood frozen there for a second, then I saw the figure grab their bag and hop off on the opposite side. I ran after them, but by the time I got to the other side there was no one in sight.

"Dahmit..." I looked around a bit more before sighing and walking back. I ran a hand through my hair and grabbed my stuff.

I glanced back up to where the person had been, feeling that it was pretty hidden. I bit my lip, then dropped my stuff by the edge of the stairs and made my way up. I found a small opening and squeezed through, finding a small, steady place.

I sat cross legged. From here you could see the whole field, unblocked by anything... It was amazing...

I looked around, and found a pen laying there. I picked it up while leaning against a iron bar. It had the same symbol on it that the drawing did...

Painted onto it, of course... but it was there. I couldn't believe it. I smiled. This person... I had to know.

I took the pen and kneeled, and began writing on the bar just near the front of the little hideaway

Come here often?

I giggled at myself then layed the pen just below the note, bbefore crawling out and making my way back to my stuff.

I'm getting closer.


Peridot POV.

My cheeks were burning up as i slapped myself in the face again.

He saw me. He knows my spot. Why did I think creeping on him was a good idea?

I groaned a bit as I opened my front door, met with a bouncing orangish lab. "Not now pumpkin... I'm tired..." I made my way up the stairs, but stopped as i heard my mom call my name.

"Peridot? Honey you home? You ussaully don't get back this early on wednsdays...." I leaned over the railing, seeing my mom poking her head out from the laundry room.

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