The Hill

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Peridot POV.

Anna came home just about nine, pumpkin trailing behind her. Pumpkin looked weirdly happy, and I couldn't really see Anna's face from beneath her hood.

"Have a good walk?" I asked, really curious where she even went.

She removed her hood, coughing a bit, and smiling. "Yeah. Refreshing." Pumpkin barked and tagged her tail, as if in agreement.

I raised a brow, but Anna seemed to ignore me as she rushed up the stairs, p umpking following loyally.

I got this weird feeling those two were up to something, but I just rubbed my face and got up, making my way back up to my room to go to sleep.

My morning was just as strange. Anna was smiling almost creepily at nothing in particular, while pumpkin kept nudging me toward the door.

Why is my family so weird.

But my day got so much worse. When I got to school, there was a crowd of people blocking the hallways, all shouting and whooping at something or someone in the middle.

And there was litarally no other route for me to take, so I maneged to slip past a few, when I froze, peering at what everyone was staring at.

Lapis was smiling nervously, forced up against the locker by the crowd, and it wasn't hard to see why. Everyone was gushing over him.

He was wearing a suit. A very... n-nice suit. I found myself blushing, but I looked down, slipping past people until I made it to my class.

I rubbed my face, sitting down and laying my head in my hands. I was so confused, and hurt, and I wanted so badly to just leave, but I couldn't.

It was almost like a living nightmare, and it was all my fault. I apparently doomed myself to be hurt over and over. Every time I saw lapis I ached.

I created this distance, but... I couldn't decide if this was better then before.

I sighed, laying my head down on the desk, waiting for my class to begin.


Lapis POV.

My heart had never beat so fast. He was here. It was school, sure, but some people in this situation would skip.

I couldn't help but peek over at him every now and then, going over my plan in my head, again and again. I was STILL debating on which song to do, but I had to make up my mind by the final bell.

I was tapping my foot as a nervous habit, and felt jasper beside me poke my leg.

"Dude you good? You're acting weird." He whispered, keeping his eyes on the board. I stayed silent. I wouldn't say a thing until tomarrow. And it all depended on tonight.

The thought of failure or success created the same reaction, my heart beating slightly faster. I was pretty much sweating like I had done 100 laps when I had barely walked a mile today.

Maybe I shouldn't have worn the suit to school... Did I remember deodorant? My guitars in my truck, right? Will that girl really get Peri to the hill? Is it too late? Is it too early? Will Peri blush? God I want him to blush...

All of a sudden the bell rang, and I jumped, making everyone laugh a bit in amusement, even the teacher.

"Try not to space out, Mr. Laker. You'll need this for the quiz next week. And looking a little sharp for school, aren't we?"

I looked down, hearing kids shuffle out of class as i scrambled to pick up a few items that fell out of my bag.

My pencil case slid across toward me and I looked up to see Peri, pulling his hood up then rushing out.

I looked back at it, picking it up and letting a small smile form.

No matter what, I had to TRY.


I took a deep breath while nervously tuning my guitar. It sounded right... But I kept fidgeting, avent pulling at my collar.

God please stop all this sweating I don't need to look like a trainwreck...

I finally set the instrument down, and stood up, taking more deep breaths as i looked over the town. Tonight would be beautiful, whatever the outcome, but I...

I couldn't lose peri... not now. I want to let him know I'm sorry. I want to hug him.i want to learn more about him. I want to cherish his cute mannerisms... I want to kiss him.

I blushed a bit at my sudden thought, then rubbed my face. I can't do that. Not yet. I can't rush this. It's not like football.

I can't force him into this.

I had finally decided on the song, bittersweet. Altered a bit, of course. It was that or death of a bachelor, but bittersweet was what we sang together, and it was so true.

But if he asked me to I would sing any song. Anything he wanted.

I fidgeted with my cuffs for the 100th time while finally managing to calm myself down, then checked the time.

Almost 7:45. 15 minutes till the agreed time.

Is that enough time to slow this heart attack happening in my chest?
Peridot POV.

"I don't see the point of going out on a walk in the woods, Anna." She rolled her eyes as she kept driving, pumpkin shuffling in the back seat.

"Well me and mom agreed you've done enough moping. Plus, I have a surprise. But you'll have to do what I say, okay?"

I sighed, looking out the window. "Yeah yeah. Bossy. But it better be good or I will personally hurl you into the lake."

I heard her whisper something along the lines of "but the lakes not mine" and then she turned the music up a bit while smiling to herself.

She was playing "Rainbow Veins" by Owl city, and although I hated the pacing of the song, i liked the chorus.

Cheer up and dry your damp eyes,
And tell me when it rains.
And I'll blend up that rainbow above you, and shoot it through your veins.
Cause your heart has a lack of color,
and we should've known...
That we'd grow up sooner or later,
'cause we wasted all our free time alone!

Suddenly she stopped, shut off the music and turned to me. "Go straight that way." She pointed to her left, keeping her eyes on me.

"Anna I don't know if-"

"Trust me. You'll like the surprise. I wouldn't drag you out to the woods for nothing, little brother."

I blinked then sighed, getting out and obeying, going directly in the direction she pointed.

God knows how long I was walking, but I looked down it was just about eight. Why couldn't she have just come with Me? It's dark and cold out here.

I mindlessly wandered in a straight line, shivering a bit. I should've brought my jacket.

I finally saw the small clearing at the top of the hill, and sped up a bit while rubbing my arms to stay warm.

As I entered the clearing, i realized someone else was there. They stood and turned.

"Peri?" His voice was sort of hopeful, but sort of sad.


[We getting to the juicy part guys.

What will happen?

Is lapis gonna die from a heart attack?

Will Peri finally kiss him? (Because gosh darnet he needs to)

I don't know

1243 words total.]

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