~Game On~

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Lapis POV.

I smiled at my phone before turning it off and leaning back. It felt good to know he didn't hate me. And he was bringing pumpkin! Now I have two fans on my side.

I layed down on the grass, just looking up. When I heard footsteps. I turned my head to see coach huff. I sat up quickly.

"Don't worry Laker, you don't have to get up. Warmed up already though? Don't exhaust yourself before the game." He gave a small smile, which was rare.

I smiled back and stood up. "No, just a few laps and some pushups. Light stuff. I was... dealing with some things." I looked down, sighing.

I felt him put his hand on my shoulder. "I heard... the whole rumour thing." I gave him a confused look.

"Rumour, coach?"

"Apparently someone is saying you cursed out perscilla Williams. Now, the you I know would never. What happened?" He seemed concerned, and I guess I couldn't just hide it now.

"Curse her out? Ugh..." I gave a frustrated sigh. "Coach she's been crushing on me. I knew it, and she's just always following me. I confronted her. I'd had enough. I never cursed her out. I just told her how I felt and that I didn't like her bassicly stalking me!"

I ran a hair through my hair. "Then she tried to swap my water bottle with something, and she's turning everyone against me." I looked up at him again.

"Sorry to bore you with drama... I won't let it affect me tonight. I'm over it."

He gave a look of disbelief. "I hope so. Just... are you sure?"

I nodded. "Besides, not everyone's against me yet. I still got the team, plus two other friends coming tonight. I'm fine, sir. Need help with any setting up?"

He smiled and patted my shoulder. "The football managers are already taking care of it." He motioned with his head toward the locker rooms. "Go give em a good speech for me, hmm?"

I smiled again and jogged off, feeling better.

I couldn't wait for the game.


Peridot POV.

"Ugh. Where did you hide it, pumpkin?" I crouched down, looking for her leash. I was sure I'd left it here...

"Everything alright dot?" My mom spoke from the living room, having a relaxing reading time.

"You know where the leash is? I can't find it."

"Wernt you supposed to take her out 2 hours ago? And what are you all dressed for." She yawned a bit and leaned against the doorway, looking me over.

I was wearing my nicest pair of jeans, a dark grey tee that said "Go sports Team" and a warm dark green zip up hoodie. Under the circumstances I felt it fit.

"Uhh... I was umm... invited to the game. And pumpkin was being stubborn." I stood back up. "Speaking of which I haven't seen that pesky pup either..."

"PUMPKIN! where are ya girl?" I heard a panting from the front door, and peeked to see her sitting, leash in mouth, tail wagging, just inside.

"You know if you hadn't hidden the leash we would've been there by now..." I frowned at her. She gave a small playful growl in return as i adjusted my jacket and looked back at my mom.

"I'll be home before 10..."

"That's not what I'm worried about. Who invited you?" She smiled a bit. "Was it that boy? Whatd you say his name was?"

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