Hell of a Feeling (P2)

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[Y'all are probably gonna think I'm evil after this chapter XD but I promise within the next two chapters we get... interesting developements.]

Peridot POV.


I just couldn't help myself, could I? Even after I pushed him away I followed him to that stupid party.

I climbed in my window, huffing. I closed it quietly then collapsed onto my bed.

I'm such an idiot. Of all the people to notice me there. HE did. HE chased me.

He looked like he was having fun... enjoying himself at that party. Given, HE was most definitely drunk, i could smell it.

I turned my head and sighed, exhausted. How far had I even ran? Who cares... I just want to sleep. I want to forget everything.


I curled a bit tighter into myself as i groaned at the light blinding me.

"Whhhhhyyyyyyy" I sat up, pulling them closed and falling back into my blankets. Thank God my mom never made us go to church. I felt uncomfortable there.

Because some people were VERY obvious homophobes.

Speaking of said mother, I could hear... AND smell, her cooking something downstairs. I guess she's off today.

The lure of food eventually forced me up, and after brushing my hair I made my way downstairs to the enticing smell of bacon.

Pumpkin, naturally, was sitting just outside the kitchen door. She knew she w asnt supposed to be in there, but a dog could dream.

I patted her head and entered. "Morning mom." I yawned a bit, walking oher and leaning against the counter.

"I sensed bacon." She huffed a bit, and flipped it.

"Well I'm pretty sure you smelt it, but whatever works for you." She was about to slide them onto plates when we heard a doorbell. We looked at eachother and my mom shrugged.

"Want me to get it?" I asked, but my mom shook her head and turned off the stove.

"No I got it. You'll have to wait a few more minutes for bacon." She smiled and I groaned playfully.

I couldn't hear who she was talking to. And frankly I didn't care. Probably ms. Willis from across the street.

But... I was wrong.

My mom walked in, a smile on her face, and I froze when I saw who was with her.

Lapis gave a small wave, and seemed actually nervous to be here. He kept glancing between me and my mom, I suppose debating who would be better to address first.

"You can join us for breakfast if you want, lapis. I'm sure Peridot wouldn't mind." I was internally freaking out. At least he didnt smell like booze anymore.

I tried to say something, but it came out as a stutter. "I... o-of course not..." I forced myself not to look at him, as my mom took out a third plate.

"Thanks... I am pretty hungry. I'm sorry to come here, but I uh... I wanted to... uhm..." okay now he was cutely stuttering and it was getting harder to not look up.

So I did. He was bluchibluchinga bit, and chuckled it off. "Sorry. I'm still a bit tired. I wanted to hang out with peri a bit." He glanced at me, our eyes meeting.

I looked down again. How was I supposed to act mad at him? How could I keep this up?

My mom set two plates down, taking hers for herself. "Well I need to get a little work done anyway. I hope you don't mind, sweetie, I'll eat in my study."

She gave a warm smile, but she knew what she was doing.

Curse my supportive shipper mom.

So she went upstairs, leaving me and lapis awkwardly sitting across from eachother at the table.

Well FUCK.


Lapis POV.

Well I guess that was easy... kindof. Now that Peri's mom had gone upstairs I could talk yo him, but he had pretty much avoided my gaze.

But something else bothered me. His hoodie...

I shook my head a bit and bit into a peice of bacon. I glance up to see Peri picking at his plate, very obviosly blushing.

Or angry. Both very viable options.

"Peri..." I began, but honestly i didnt know what else to say.

He looked up, and surprisingly I could make out a sort of pained expression. "Why did you come here..."

His voice cracked a bit, and was almost pathetic.

"I wanted to talk to you... I wanted to know why." I paused but leaned forward a bit. "Did I do something wrong, Peri? Please... I don't..." I dot even know what I was going to say. I don't want to lose you? That sounded weird...

He stayed silent for a minute, but closed his eyes. "I just can't do it lapis. I can't tell you, and I can't be your friend. It..." he froze as well, but I saw a tear form in his eye.

"Please.... lapis just go..." his tone made me ache. It was so sad...

"No." He looked up, as I stood, walking over. "Peri I'm not going until you tell me what's wrong. I can try to fix it."

"No you can't lapis... you dont understand." He tried to look away.

I almost reached to force him to turn back, but I didn't want to upset him anymore. So my hand just floated for a second before I let it fall back to my side.

"I'll never understand if you don't give me the chance to, Peri." He layed his hands on his lap, starting to play with his fingers.

"I told you yesterday, it's stupid. I was stupid. This is stupid." One of his hands formed a fist, and he shut his eyes.

"You aren't stupid. Don't say that. Please Peri, I'll leave. I'll never talk to you again, but I need to know why!"

As silence settled and I waited for some kind of answer, I looked over the hoodie again. I swear I've seen it... but I've never seen Peri wear a black hoodie before.

But I could not remember where...

"I... I can't, lapis... because I'm scared. I'm sorry. Please just go..." he seemed to cave inward on himself, getting smaller.

I sighed, backing up slightly. "Okay." I turned back and walked around to the front door. Pumpkin was sitting in front of it, blocking my way while whimpering.

I smiled and keeled to pet her some. "Its... it's alright girl..." I stood, but she contenued to block my way. "Pumpkin... cmon..."

She growled, which surprised me. I backed up, and she padded closer, headbutting me back towards the stairs. "Pumpkin what are you..."

She barked then ran into the kitchen. AND to my surprise she came back, aggressively tugging Peri's sleeve. She ran around his legs and headbutted him til we were standing quite close.

Why do I get the feeling this dog knows something?


1150 total words.]

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