For better or worse?

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Peridot POV.

I let out a sigh of relief as lapis went to the field. He left the drawing, everything was fine...

Yet I was about ready to have a heart attack. I flipped up my hood and quickly ran over and grabbed it, then ran back over to my hiding places near the bushes.

I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath. "Okay... you got it. It's fine. Calm down..." I breathed in and out a few more times before I felt my heart rate calm down.

I smiled and opened the drawing... WHAT?

It was... a note? I froze, why!? God stupid hot butthead... I straightened it out a bit and began reading.

Dear mystery,

I appreciate you leaving the note in my locker explaining, but I think I'll hang onto the drawing.

It's very detailed, and Im curios... what's with the symbol? Is it your signature? And why draw ME in particular?

I hope you realize I'm detirmined to find out who you are... please, meet with me? This saturday I'll be at the hill over looking town from 3-5 pm.

Yours truly,


Oh god... meet with him? Did he really think I would do that? Part of me hated this, part of me wanted nothing more than to meet him.

But I was just a nobody. A nerd.

Okay, i have 2 more days. I'll leave him another note... I can still fix this... surely he'd understand?

He wasn't dumb. I've seen his grades. (Perks of being an office helper) and he is nice. Unlike his freinds...

I ruffled my hair and growled. This was a mess. I was a mess.

It's only that my crush has a drawing I did of him and is hell bent on figuring out who I am dispute the fact that I'm a nobody and that I've explained I don't want to be found out.

Oh pebbles.


[Next day, just before lunch.]

I make my way slowly to lunch, people passing me and chatting with their friends. I wasn't in a hurry. I wasn't hungry.

I took out my phone and made my way to the library, finding a seat in the backmost corner. I scrolled mindlessly through, distracted.

I had already written up a note, further stating that I was not interested in meeting, and how embarrassing and bad it looked for the picture to have his jersey number.

I didn't explain my symbol, because if I did he would find my initials. And that would be very very very bad.

"Peridot?" I jumped, my phone going up. I maneged to catch it, and blushed angrily as i turned around.

"Don't you know it's bad to-" I paused. It was lapis, he was smiling cutely and nervously, his hands up.

"Sneak... up... on.... people..." I felt my blush grow a bit, and he chuckled.

"Yeah... sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He sat down in the chair next to me, smiling casually. I looked down, still blushing.


I couldn't speak, so there was a short silence before he gave another nervous chuckle. "S-sorry again... I saw you come in here... not hungry?"

I managed to gulp, but I didn't look up. "N-no... not r-really... w-why?" It was a sentance... a butchered sentance, but a sentance.

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