Hell of a Feeling (P1)

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[Second chapter with panic at the disco.

Lol I love their songs.

Also enjoy ^-^]

Lapis POV.

I groaned slightly, lifting my face to rub my hand... no wait... reverse that.

Sitting up, I took a deep breath before blinking open my eyes. Everything was WAY too bright. I closed the again while once more rubbing my face.

Where even am i?

I maneged to open my eyes again, this time forcing them to stay open and adjust.

This was not expected.

Around me were a few passed out kids... or classmates. My vision was a little blurry but I maneged to make out jaspers hunking body leaned over the side of the couch all the way across the room.

Wait... am I naked?

I was only in my underwear.

I finally stood, holding my pounding head. I guess I'd passed out as well, except I was just inside the front door, which was slightly open.

I'll take that as a sign I ATTEMPTED to leave...

But I can't remember anything...


[Previous night, 8:42]

"I heard about 100 people will be there...Aidens parents are loaded... His house is huge." Jasper rambled as i faded in and out of listening.

I kept telling myself nothing was wrong. That Peri was nothing, or that he didn't matter... but my thoughts always went back to him.

I was just so worried. Even if he hates me now... I just wanna know he's okay... he changed so suddenly...

"LAPIS." I jumped slightly and turned to jasper. "Dude are you even listening? Plus you almost walked past it."

"Huh?" I turned again, recognizing Aidens house. Oh.

"Right... sorry." I forced a smile but jasper sighed and layed his arm across my shoulder with a smirk.

"Having GSA?"

I raised a brow. "What's that?"

He laughed. "Girlfriend separation anxiety. Honestly man I've NEVER seen you zone that hard. This mystery girl must be amazing."

I could feel my cheeks turn red. It was one thing to have people assume I had a "secret Girlfriend", it was another to be accused of having one ussaully after id been hanging with peri...

Or thinking about him.

Jasper just laughed and pushed me jokingly toward the house. "Alright lover boy. Calm down. Your girl will still exist tomarrow."

He guided me to the door, and as he opened it, he grinned. "Time to party your worries away."

I suppose it might work.

[2 hrs. and 13 min. later. 10:55 pm.]


I felt AMAZING. I was pretty much dancing to the best band ever, surrounded by a crowd of friends, with a random top hat I found.

Or had someone gave it to Me? I don't even remember.

And I couldn't even count the number of empty plastic shot bottles I had taken, which were all set up in a tower on the edge of the table.

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