Chase your Dreams

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Peridot POV.

Oh god. He's ON me.

We were just staring at eachother. As I surely turned beet red from our currant situation.

Lapis gave a small smile, hopping off me and back onto his feet. "Sorry peri."

He was so close... wait...

I turned around, seeing pumpkin wagging her tail, and her leash on the ground. "Pumpkin..." I got on my knees.

"Don't. You. Dare." I narrowed my eyes, and the lab got in a playful stance, wiggling her butt in the air.

"PUMPKIN. YOU ARE SO IN TROUBLE." I hopped up, running towards her, but she took jumped towards me, running past me and circling around lapis.

I huffed in anger, glancing back at lapis and closing my eyes as i blushed again.

Sometimes I hate this dog...

"PUMPKIN." I growled. Lapis laughed, grabbing her leash as she tried to take off again, failing.

I ran over and frowned. "I'm so sorry lapis. She's is litarally never acted like this before. Only around you." I lifted my hand to grab the leash, and lapis put the handle end in my hand, which also mamade our hands brush.

He smiled at me. "It's fine. Sorry I bring out her wild side." He chuckled a bit.

"Are... are you sure youre okay though? That was a pretty heavy hit... you passed out for a good 30-45 seconds..."

He nodded. "I'm fine. Honest." He bent down to pat pumpkin. "I had my two little cuties in the stands!"

I froze. Okay... no big deal Peri it's just the second time he's called you cute dontfreakoutnow.

I laughed nervously, as lapis stood back up.

"You have to head home now?" I blinked at him, then took my phone out. It was just a few minutes before 8....

"I have two hours till curfew." I put my phone back in my pocket, then tightened my grip on pumpkins leash.

"You wanna go out for a calabratory milkshake?" He nudged me with his elbows, glancing over to the team who were still pretty much screaming.

"What about them?" He shrugged.

"They can yell at me tomarrow. Besides I'd rather hang out with you and pumpkin." He gave a warm smile.

"But I have to go to the locker room and change. I'm sweaty." He laughed again, wiping his forehead.

"Yeah... I can wait in the parking lot. I'll be by your truck" I turned but he grabbed my hand.

"It's freezing out here. You can wait just inside the locker room if you want."

Oh this boy is gonna kill me.


I slowly opened the front door, peering in. Pumpkin, though silent, annoyed me by pushing her way in and walking up the stairs. I managed to close the door behind me and get to the foot of the stairs before...

"PERIDOT." I jumped a bit, glancing over to see my mom, hands on her hips.

"It's been twenty minutes. I thought you said you'd be home by ten!" She raised a brow.

"Oh... yeah... I well... you see..."

"Lost track of time? I checked. The game was over two hours ago. Where were you?" She stepped forward, crossing her arms.

"I was... well they won... so lapis invited me to go have a milkshake..."

"Drinking a milkshake took TWO hours?" She frowned. "Lapis... is he-"

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