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Peridot POV.

I had decided something.

Lapis wouldn't stop until he found out, so what if I left a note, anonymous of course, saying that i just did a random sketch... and i would like the sketch back.

Surely he'd let it go... I hoped. So after 6th period, I had a note written up (with diffrent, very neat handwriting) to leave in his locker.

Dear Lapis,

I heard that you have found a drawing of mine, which you are curios about. I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I did it simply for practice.

If you wouldn't mind though, I would appreciate if you returned it. Leave it outside the library under the pine tree after school. I'm sure you can find a rock to put on it so it doesn't blow away.

I would rather remain anonymous. It's a little embarrassing.

Thank you,

I left my symbol right under the thank you so he knew it was me who drew it, then I made my way to his locker and quickly slipped it in.

I made my way to the library, feeling a bit more relieved. I had free 7th period for study and homework time, which I was going to use today to most likely worry about all the ways this plan could go wrong.

And to pray that it doesn't.

Lapis POV.

I sighed as i made my way to my locker. I had been asking everyone I could about the symbol on the sketch, but no one knew what it was.

I groaned. I should have asked that one guy... what did he say his name was? Peridot?

I felt kinda bad when he said he'd been here for as long as me, and he seemed nice. The nervous sort. The nerdy sort.

Maybe the symbol was some kind of code? Perhaps he could help me crack it.

I mindlessly opened my locker, and a peice of paper fell out. I maneged to catch it.

It was folded... and it had the symbol on it!? I opened it immediately, and saw it was a sortsortof letter.

It was them... the artist. They wanted the sketch back? I frowned. I had been looking for who it was All day. I wasn't going to give up now.

I grabbed a peice of paper and put all my stuff in my locker. This person wants to write notes? Then I'll play along.


I folded the note in half, and tapped my foot as i waited for the bell.

Outside the library, under the pine tree, under a rock. I had memorized the instructions.

The bell finally rang and I jumped up, grabbing my bag and waving to my teacher before rushing out.

I was gonna wait for this mystery person. Leave the note, and wait from a little ways away. Whoever it was, I needed to know.

I didn't know why I did. I just did.

I paused outside the library, picking up a small rock and waiting for a second. Students passed me, all seeming normal. No one was sitting on the bench.

This was slightly frustrating. But I sighed and slipped my note into place, before nochantlontly wandering off toward the football field. I stopped though, hiding around the corner, and peeked slightly out to the tree.

After five minutes, No one had came. in fact, there was No one even in the area anymore. I heard coaches whistle and I growled.

This person is smarter than I bargained for. They really didn't want anyone to know.

I leaned my head against the wall, took one last look, then jogged off towards the feild.

[hello my name is trash queen, I give my children the gayest of stories,


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