On a Mission [p1?]

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[Hehehehehehehehe y'all gonna like this one.

Also I'm gonna give y'all a choice.

Would you like a second book to this, or just end this one?

(Yes we're coming up to what I plan to be the end. Like 3-5 more chapters max.)

Second book would mean a slightly sad ending to this one, but ending it would have a sinful ending.

(P.s. I really want the second book please, I'll add more sin to the second I swear.)

Okay enjoy.]

Anna POV

Okay so Dot would've told me to stay out of it, but honestly he was being dumb.

Dumb little brother who needs sister help.

Now I just had to figure out how.

Good thing I had my little sidekick. I smiled down at pumpkin who was trotting along happily. She glanced up and her tail wagged a bit faster.

"Okay girl, I assume you've been trying, but we need to work together to make this happen." I clapped my hands together, raising a brow. "Any ideas? Or where to find... Lapis? That was his name right?"

She barked, tugged my sleeve slightly, then padded off in a direction, sniffing the air.

I followed, letting her lead me awhile until we arrived at the park. It was almost 7 now, so I still had a little time.

"Pumpkin is he here?" I said it more queit, and she turned, wagging her tail before bounding away from me.

This dog... I ran after her, but let her keep her lead. She had a plan, I could tell.

So when she slowed slightly, I hid behind a tree and peeked around, seeing someone in a hoodie sitting on the bench.

Pumpkin looked back for another second, before walking over and barking. The hooded person looked.

"Pumpkin? What are you..." the person turned around, looking around expectedly, but slumped slightly and stood.

"How did you get out? Where's peri?" He knelt down, petting pumpkin, who gladly took the affection.

I took this as my time and stepped around the tree, walking toward who I assumed was lapis. He looked up as i approached.

"He's... at home. Sadder then ever." Pumpkin nudged lapis then walked over, sitting neatly just beside me.

Why did I feel kindof like one of those evil people from a really cheesy movie? Me and my cunning pet companion.

"Who are you?"

I smirked. "I think what you really want to know is who you're after. Chasing someone you don't know is a bit hard, isn't it?"

Yep. I feel kinda evil.

"How did you..."

"I'm sure you'll find out later. But right now there is a much more pressing problem." I took a single step forward."

"You said Peri was... sad? He did seem off... is he okay?" He actually seemed concerned. I didn't expect to mentelly quiz him, but so far he was okay.

"Not really. I've never actually seen him this bad. Not sinc...." I stopped myself. Okay don't reveal that... that's not for you to tell, Anna.

"N-not in a while. Why?" Smooth as butter. NOT.

"He hates me." Lapis looked down, kicking a few leaves. I felt pumpkin nudge my leg, so took another step toward him.

"That's where you are completely wrong, Lapis Laker. And I thought you were supposed to be smart."

He looked up sharply. "Huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Honestly." I took one last step, finally bringing myself face to face with the boy who was pretty much unknowingly torturing my little brother.

"Peri is crazy about you."

He blinked a few times, the looked slightly down. "So is he..."

"Mystery crush? Yes. Dying a bit inside? Pretty much. Gay? Most definitely."

I swear I saw him smile a bit, but he frowned and looked back up at me. "But... he didn't want to talk to me anymore..."

As a sister, I really wanted to slap this idiot. As a matchmaker, I forcibly held back that urge.

"You... ugh. Think about it, you blueberry. Calling him friend over and over when he has the HUGEST crush on you? How do you think that makes him feel?"

His frown turned slightly up, his eyes widening slightly as this stupid blueberry realized.

"He said it hurt... oh god..." he flipped down his hood, running a worried hand through his hair. "What... god I'm a fool."

I patted his shoulder. "Well at least you aren't hopeless. But I don't think you could just apologize. Peri is kinda sensitive, even if he won't admit it." I froze, and sighed.

"But I guess it's really up to you. Do you even like him back?" I looked back at him, and to my surprise his ffae grew more serious.

"Yes." It was surprisingly sure. So much so I almost jumped in joy at my matchmaking success. But it wasn't over.

He smiled a bit. "I do have a plan. If Peri is mystery... then he like PATD. Right?"

"To an almost obsessive level." I decided not to butt in any ideas. This boy is pretty smart. Except for when it comes to reading people.

"Well, I don't want to spoil it... But thank you, whoever the hell you are." He turned, almost ready to run and leave, but he stopped, turning back to me.

"Do you think you could somehow get Peri up to the hill oovlooking town? Without it being suspicious? Around about... 8 tomarrow?"

I cracked my fingers. "I'll work my magic. You just prepare on your end. Oh and lapis?"


"If you hurt him I WILL throw you off that hill and watch you hit every rock on the way down."

I smiled sweetly before turning, pumpkin following suit as i walked off with an evil but very pleased look on my face.


Lapis POV.

It was true. I felt completely dumb. The blushing, the stuttering, the voiding of answers, geez how could it be anyone else.

And I put him through hell.

This girl was gonna help. Pumpkin trusted her, and I kinda had no choice. I needed her help to pull this off.

I just hope that it works.

I made my way swiftly home, digging through my closet to find the outfit I needed, as well as tracking down my guitar which somehow ended up underneath a pile of dirty clothes.


I set the outfit on the case, and sat on my bed, tapping my foot nervously. This could either make everything fine, or I could destroy him.

I sighed, rubbing my face. God I never meant to hurt him. He was so queit, sweet, cute, and caring. I hurt him.

Let's just hope he'll hear me out.

[Oh dang this blueberry has a plan XD

Take your guesses! Take your guesses!

If someone can guess I'll feature you in a chapter somewhere IDK

1143 words wow]

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