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Lapis POV.

After the awkward closeness me and Peri had, I slowly backed up the walked out, hearing pumpkin whimper again.

I was blushing like mad.

But I had to do something. Peri's hoodie... it could be a coincidence, but the stranger at the party... the figure...

It was crazy.


And then, the drawer. He wore a black hoodie. I think...

God why could I not remember things when I need to?

But no matter. I knew how to find out. I hope. I really really hoped.

But... why? If Peri was mystery, why would he... help...

But he didn't. Was that a coincidence? And I'd never seen Peri draw, and he didn't like sports...

But then again... according to him I barely knew him. It made a little sense... no one knows the symbol, no one knows him.

All I could think about how easily flustered he got around me. Was it because of a crush, or just that I'm the only one who talks to him? Did he just get nervous?

Everything felt flipped.

I really needed answers now.

Peridot POV.

"Pumpkin. I. SWEAR." She growled and tugged at my sleeve, trying to make me go after lapis. "NO."

She finally released, but nudged my leg with a whimper.

"It doesn't matter anymore pumpkin. It's not your fault." I sighed and made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a biscuit and biting into it as i made my way back up to my room.


"PERIDOT, someone's here!" I sighed and popped up off the floor.

"I was about to beat the boss..." I whispered, to myself. I made my way downstairs, stopping at the living room to see pumpkin jumping on a familier brunette.

"Anna?" She looked up and smiled.

"Dot!" She walked over and gave me a hug. After a second I laughed and hugged back.

"Been a while sis. Busy with collage?" She ruffled my hair.

"Yeah. I was supposed to come a week ago, but I had to wrap up a final. My professer almost failed me." She frowned, and my mom came in.


"I'm sorry I can't write fancy like some people okay?" We all giggled a bit and my mom grabbed her coat.

"I hate to leave right when you get here, Anna, but I have work. Peridot, don't be late to school, and don't mope around today, please?" She waved and exited.

"Yeah... sure sure. I'm just gonna..." I was about to walk back upstairs, but Anna grabbed the back of my hood and pulled me back.

"You're just gonna tell your sis what going on? Because I'm not letting you walk off all depressed." She frowned.


"No. I can tell when you're upset. Don't even lie."

I crossed my arms. "Well not that I think you'd have a lack of advice, but my situation isn't fixable. I screwed up bad, Anna."

"Scale from 1 to 10?"


"Ouch. But you're overreacting I'm sure. Tell dear old sis about your problem."

[Timeskip cause I'm lazy]

"So I pretty much ruined my chances with my almost decade old crush, and it very much hurts." I faceplanted into the couch, groaning.

My sister patted me on the back. "Well... Yeah you screwed up pretty bad."

"No shit shirlock."

"It's gonna be alright dot. You just need some sisterly guidance."

I sat up. "What? Wait... Anna please don't do something awkward please don't interfere let my fuck up be a fuck up."

Anna shook her head, "Okay okay fine. You're no fun. I'm gonna go get some... food. Want anything?"

"Still haven't learnt to cook?"

"Not a thing! Also imtakingpumkpin." She said it so fast, then rushed out the door, my orange lab bounding behind her.


[Little shorter but tomarrow we get a speical POV.


Also Wolf-went-red...

*wiggles brows*

645 words total.]

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