Bittersweet p2

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Also it's short but I got lazy and I'm about to upload another because I forg- I mean didn't forget I hadn't post this one.]

Peridot POV.

I don't know what I expected. It wasn't like in my dreams, or the scenarios I'd played out in my head on occasion...

It was real.

And I have to say, being in his arms felt REALLY good.

I had almost fallen asleep, content, when my phone rang. Lapis removed his arms and I sat up, slightly annoyed, before nervously reaching for it and giving a small smile to lapis.


"DOT! what happened? Where are you? How did it gooooo~?"

I froze, forgetting in me and lapis's awkward but sweet moment that my sister had sent me up here. I looked at lapis, before answering.

"You knew, didn't you?" I kept eye contact with lapis. Kindof speaking to both of them.

"...well duh. And dont get all mad because he seemed sweet! You cant blame a girl for trying to help two lovebirds out in their time of need. Plus if i told you you wouldn't have came. So... what happened?"

Lapis gave me a look of confusion, which I couldn't help but smile at.

"It's fine. Great, actually. But I promise you I will get you back for not telling me. Siblings honor."

"Ugh. Brat. Look it's almost 9:45. We need to get home. Can't spend the night with your boyfriend. Tsk tsk what would mom say about being with him all...night?"

She said the last part slow, making sure I knew what she meant. Which of course made my face turn red.

"I swear-"

"Meet me at the bottom of the hill, dork. I'll take you home. Don't forget, mom said no missing school."

I growled, then hung up after hearing a "tehe" from the other end.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I... I have to go."

He nodded. "Yeah. I should probably go too..." but neither of us moved for a sec, until i slid of the tailgate of his truck and coughed.

"I... ill... see you tomarrow then?"

"I hope so..." he seemed to say it more to himself, and I chose to not give a reaction so he wouldn't get embarressed.

He closed the tailgate, putting his guitar in the back and then turning back to me. "Do... do you need a ride home?"

"No, my sister's at the bottom of the hill... though a ride that far would be nice." I had my hands together like the nervous lovestricken fool I was, asking like a child.

Lapis just smiled though. "Okay. Hop in." How could he seem so casual after what happened? I mean... he confessed. We... sort of snuggled...

I shook my head, getting in while lapis started the truck and began slowly driving down the hill.

I kindof didn't want this moment to end. But, I knew it had too. Besides, I was REALLY tired.

I didn't manage to suppress my yawn, and I covered my face with my hands as i tried to stay awake a bit longer.

I swear I heard lapis whisper something, but he didn't seem to, so I didn't say anything until we reached the bottom.

I was about to climb out when lapis stopped me for a sec.

"Sleep well, Peri." He smiled sweetly, and I closed the door, blushing and smiling like an idiot as he drove away.

God I'm falling more and more.

[Yep pretty short sorry this is mostly filler.

About to post another which should be more interesting.

611 words]

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