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Peridot POV.

"Alright, next question. And remember I don't HAVE to answer." I smiled, hearing lapis groan.

"What's the point of the game if you don't answer?" He rolled over onto his stomach and frowned at me.

I spun lightly in my chair, before shrugging.

We were in my room, and it felt pleasantly casual. You know, after my break down. Lapis and me were asking questions back and forth to learn a bit more about eachother.

"Okay then. It's not really a question about you per say, but I still wanna know what the runes mean."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Alright. Come here." I turned back to my desk, reaching and finding my journal. I skipped to the middle page, where there was a guide to the runes.

"Woah." Lapis looked over my shoulder. "Cool."

I brought up my sleeve, showing lapis my symbol bracelet

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I brought up my sleeve, showing lapis my symbol bracelet. "Can you figure out what it means?"

I smiled as he studied my bracelet, then the runes, then my bracelet again.

"You said it was a blessing... hmm."

(Okay so I just wanna show what peridots looks like so here):

(Okay so I just wanna show what peridots looks like so here):

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Lapis chuckled a bit. "Each one has like 3-5 meanings. How am I supposed to know which ones are correct? Or is it all of them, because that's just TOO much."

I laughed. "Yeah. My dad used to say it's all about your interpretation. But in this case he chose what the mean."

"The top symbol means protection, because my dad wished no harm to me. The C looking one is for knowledge and creativity, the diamond is for Family, the squiggly E thing is health and success, and the last one is for Life."

Lapis gave a small smile. "That's really cool. But uh... that symbol is d offrent from the one on your drawings."

I blushed a bit. "Oh... right... that. You see I uh... kinda... made one... for... you."

He smiled wider. "Really? Ok hold on." He went over to his bag, grabbing the drawing and looking at the symbol and then the key in my journal.

" He went over to his bag, grabbing the drawing and looking at the symbol and then the key in my journal

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"Hmm... the top one is... endurance and patience... I think. Then the half N is strength and speed..." he paused, looking at me. "I'll ignore the last part of that one for now..."

I blushed again, knowing what he meant. "Good. Because I didn't mean it like that..."

He laughed a bit again and contenued.  "The I is for reinforcement... the P is for... joy and... glory?"

He made each one a question as if he wanted me to say he was right. He was pretty accurate so I just stayed queit.

"And the weird S looking thing is... peace and hope?" He tilted his head. "Wow."

"You're mostly right. Some of the meaning were more accurate, but good job."

He huffed. "I just think it's adorable how you made a blessing for me."

I crossed my arms while my cheeks heated up again. "Yeah well.... shutup..."

He pulled the chair away from the desk and turned me around, and kneeled to cross his arms onto my lap. "Aww is Pewi embawwessed?"

I closed my eyes and bit my cheek to try not to laugh at his dorky grin.

But after another minute of that, lapis leaned closer. "Peri. Cmon... look at me..."

I turned back, still red, and he smiled.

"You know I'm just teasing right?" He let his smile fade into a blank expression.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it won't make me blush." I huffed, which made his smile return.

"God I love you."

I looked into his eyes, surprised at the very genuine words, to se him blushing a bit.

I smiled and put my arms on his shoulder. "Say that again, Tough guy. Or is Mr. Muscles over here embarrassed now?"

It felt kinda good to flirt. My stomach was in knots but more of happiness.

He leaned closer again. "I love you, peridot." He whispered, and a shiver went down my spine as i saw him slowly leaning even closer.

And he kissed me. It was so gentle, as if he was afraid, but we both relaxed more into it after a second and I happily kissed back.

After another few seconds I pulled away, and pressed our foreheads together.

"I love you too."


[I was gonna write more but I accidentelly pressed publish I'm so sorry XD]

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